Monday, May 16, 2011

Same Lies; Different Day: CBS Demonizes Constitutionalists

Kurt Nimmo
May 16, 2011
In a 60 Minutes hit piece, constitutionalists who believe the federal government has grabbed too much power and has become tyrannical are lumped in with Jerry Kane and his 16-year-old son Joseph. Kane and his son, who claimed to be aligned with the sovereign citizen movement, gunned down two Arkansas cops during a traffic stop and were killed by police 90 minutes later.
The CBS video attempts to connect constitutionalists and members of the sovereign citizen movement to Terry Nichols, the Oklahoma City bombing, and supposedly racist militias. It uniformly portrays those who argue the government has violated its constitutional mandate as violent, insane, and possibly racist. It insinuates that if you have a problem with income taxes or are an advocate of states rights under the Tenth Amendment, you are an extremist and domestic terrorist.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe these gutless idiots not only are telling brazen lies about meanings in history and laws, but they act as though they believe their own load. Thanks to the dumb down programs currently in public school systems, I'm sure many will believe this crap because they haven't been taught complete history and facts.
