Wednesday, November 2, 2011

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CIA WhistleBlower spills the beans

CIA WhistleBlower spills the beans : Another spoke in the HUGE rabbit wheel of 9/11. Its much more than a rabbit hole... . Its a ride in a rollercoaster tunnel to the center of? the earth. .. Going as planned it seems- judging from lack of indictments and investigations. And not one mainstream media report! What does that tell ya about how deep this rabbit hole really goes , with all the "mysterios Deaths surrounding 911, I am very surprised this Girls alive, that is almost the best reason to? be skeptical, I speak candidly but "on the cuff" a lil' too..... I gotta watch some of this again, didnt she say they followed the suspected thermite installers Vans Home & that they knew who they were & where they lived ? how bout interview thse guys or did I hear her wrong

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Imran Hosein - Analysis on The Arab Uprising From Libya to Syria

One of the great scholars of our time is explaining the difference between the appearance and reality of the strange world of today where we live. Sheikh Imran Hosein Malaysia (Extended) Lecture Tour -He gives his opinion and analyses of what's the Arab spring , how we are going from Tripoli ( in Libya ) to Damascus ( in Syria ) was all this prophesied are we in the end days (This is the Islamic point of view of the end days ) The Signs of the Last Day in the Modern World. Imran Nazar Hosein is a leading International Islamic Philosopher, Scholar and author, specialising in world politics, economy, eschatology , modern socio-economic/political issues and expert on international affairs. He is best-selling author of Jerusalem in the Qur'an.Imran Nazar Hosein is a leading International Islamic Philosopher, Scholar and author, specialising in world politics, economy, eschatology , modern socio-economic/political issues and expert on international affairs. He is best-selling author of Jerusalem in the Qur'an and numerous other publications on politics, economy and international affairs based on the Quran and Hadith.

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Gerald Celente - The banks are ripping off everybody and not one head rolls

Gerald Celente - The Regular Guys - 24 Oct 2011 : there is no saving the system not as long as they continue the policies that they do ...the whole system is corrupt from top to bottom , Gaddafi was hot o Condoleza Rice , what it all boils down to regarding the protests is just a lot of angry people as the system is rigged , the big guys can get away with everything that's what makes people angry explains Gerald Celente , these banks are ripping off everybody not one head rolls

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The Calling By Max Igan [FULL]

The Calling By Max Igan : This? is a must see !! Great Woe is upon the Earth, great turmoil and strife because of greed and? corruption and everyone just apathetically allows it to continue. Everyone wants to believe that everything is just wonderful and prefer to remain blind keeping their heads in the sand. They want someone else to be responsible for them instead of being responsible themselves. How can we wake them up to their senses so we can put an end to these evil ruiners and insane criminals ? Stop following, start leading. We are one. Indeed. We must stop being sheeple. Everyone in the world should watch this. We must crumble this control system.And spread truth about corporate deception: exposing the economic exploitation of foreign countries by? the global empire from within America, The system is fascist,? Corporate Soulless operators. Executors automata Controlled twisted laws, braking every human rights, war mongers, polluters, politic corrupt system, dehumanized robots. WAKE UP SELVES NOW Who ever serve with NWO,. yes is guilty in first person for destruction of our beloved planet. We human have responsibility to Not Comply with whoever breach nature laws, humans value, OUR children's future, Earth survival. NUCLEAR MELTDOWN IS HAPPENING. Act NOW

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Gerald Celente @ Occupy Wallstreet

Gerald Celente at Liberty Plaza : what you get is small change when you wait for change , you got no change and that's the kind of change you got , you got hope but you still got hope for change Gerald Celente told a couple of protesters when they asked him ih he is ready to fight and die for the lies of these administrations , war is propaganda

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Big Business is running the world

Truth cannot be shackled.? It always reveals itself. The Truth shall set us free. , evil hides? behind what we know is good! meaning gov! police! vatican! vaccines! us invasions! child protection services! and ect! i would rather deal with straight up in your face evil! Their bunkers wont save them from the upcoming events.....everything will change... for all of us...it will beginn to be visible end August...look at the skys then you will see...they can´t hide it any longer...that´s why they took the infrared telescope WISE offlione for? the public...

A? changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location. I'm not one though who would attribute it to being man-made. Sarah Palin

America is looking for answers. She's looking for a new direction; the world is looking for a light. That light can come from America's great North Star; it can come from Alaska. Sarah Palin

A politician will do anything to keep his job - even become a patriot. William Randolph

Do you ever get the feeling that the only reason we have elections is to find out if the polls were right? Robert Orben

Every man who repeats the dogma of Mill that one country is no fit to rule another country must admit that one class is not fit to rule another class. B. R. Ambedkar

Free speech is? not to be regulated like diseased cattle and impure butter. The audience that hissed yesterday may applaud today, even for the same performance. William O. Douglas

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Occult & Predictions - Coast To Coast AM - 27.10.2011

Practitioner and teacher of natural magic, Dr. Evelyn Paglini, shared her predictions and offered her insights on the state of the world, forecasts for weather, economy, and earth changes, as well as tools for coping with what lies ahead. Paglini said her predictions often show up as images on the "screen of [her] mind", whenever she calls upon the elements or peers into the future for her clients. According to Paglini, there will be escalating devastation as we approach the year 2012. She expects the East Coast of the U.S. to suffer dramatic flooding, while California and several other states contend with deliberately set fires. Paglini senses a home-grown terrorist organization behind the forthcoming conflagrations. Those residing in the Golden State should also plan to be hit by two "strong earthquakes" in the next 12 months, she revealed. Paglini does not see the economy improving for another 18 months or so, and recommended people tighten their financial belts, start home-based businesses and invest in commodities, such as gold, silver, and palladium. On the international front, she warned against China's sinister plans for America, "the war next door" with Mexico, and Iran's potential move against another country.

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L. A. Marzulli - The War in Heaven - Coast To Coast AM - 30.10.2011

Author, Broadcaster, Blogger and Commentator L. A. Marzulli returns to Coast To Coast AM to give us his perspective of recent, world events There is so much that is going on in the world it is almost impossible to keep track of it all. he how a recent string of events validates notions of a coming great deception, as foretold in ancient prophecies. And the signs that an unseen heavenly war being fought in another dimension is about to spill over into our dimension. Two forces have been battling for millennia with the entire cosmos as their playing field, and humans are the unfortunate pawns in their "cosmic chess match," he said, citing Lucifer, or the fallen angel, as the opponent on the dark side. As prophecy texts in the Bible have indicated, we are nearing the end of this war, and seeing the "birth pangs" that will lead up to the final seven years of tribulation, he continued. Prophecies of increased earthquakes, and other calamities are "being fulfilled like gangbusters," he added.

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Gerald Celente - These protests are about the American spirit that may be re-awakened again

Gerald Celente : The common denominator of the protestors is that they are angry you know my saying is when the money stops flowing to the man in the street the blood starts flowing in the streets , I listen to these politicians they do not take bribes and pay offs they take campaign contributions says Gerald Celente and that's what the people are angry about , Wall street hijacked Washington , these protests are about the American spirit that may be re awakened again Gerald explains

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Max Igan - Surviving The Matrix - 28 Oct 2011

Have all the faith in the world. One by one, people are opening there eyes. We will change this earth to a beautiful place of compassion and love. Your message is felt and spread by all who listen.. We have a way to liberate the human by freeing them from the separation caused by the ego/guard and then unifying all the fragments of self into wholeness. It is? not doing the work for the person, rather giving the individual a chance to help themselves which is very difficult with the guard in place and fragmentation. Is humankind ready for that?

"What, then, is legislation? ...It is, in short, the assumption of a right to banish the principle of human rights, the principle of justice itself, from off the? earth, and set up their own personal will, pleasure, and interest in its place."

Lysander Spooner, Natural Law, Chapter III: Natural Law Contrasted With Legislation Section IV

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Webster Tarpley : Debt is not Sacred

Webster Tarpley on World Crisis Radio broadcast on October 29th 2011. : we are headed now to a hot autumn , the libertarians also defend the sanctity of debt , the protesters were forced to embrace one important command it is the one percent wall street sales tax The Robin Hood Tax This means shifting the costs of the speculation off the backs of the working people onto the back of the zombi banks the hedge funds hyenas and all the rest and use part of the proceed of that to pay a student loan amnesty , cancel 1 trillion dollars of oppressive student loan , this is called a one hundred percent haircut , the Austrian argument is that debt is sacred

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Max Igan : The Vatican controls all the Central Banks around the Planet

Max Igan - The Occupy movement is not complaining about the economic downturn it is complaining about the economic system itself , it's the money that's the problem it is not the economic downturn , the problems that we face in the planet is because of the central banking system which has been imposed around the planet by the crown Corporation which is created by the Vatican , the Vatican controls all these central banks anyway and now their answer to the problem is to further centralize the power and give more power to the Vatican

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Why The Rothschild killed Gaddafi ?

"Our" total evil psychopathic leaders love showing the dead, only the former leaders of middle eastern countys; let them show the maimed, mangled, dead men, women, and children who lived there and did nothing wrong. The innocent people did not invite NATO, the military to kill them to save them from their so called evil dictator. War is a? lie for already wealthy satanist psychopaths.

"Now, I am under attack by the biggest force in military history, my little African son, Obama wants to kill me, to take away the freedom of our country, to take away our free housing, our free medicine, our free education, our free food, and replace it with American style thievery, called "capitalism", but all of us in the Third World know what that means, it means corporations run the countries, run the world, and the people suffer." - Muammar Gaddafi, quoted in English Pravda. THE BRUTAL MURDER of Muammar Gaddafi by Zionist-owned Libyan insurgents is an example of what happens to political leaders who defy international bankers. Muammar Gaddafi was a great man who loved his people! Nelson Mandela called Muammar Qadhafi "one of the 20th century's greatest freedom fighters", and insisted the eventual collapse of the apartheid system owed much to Qadhafi and Libyan support. Mandela said that, "in the darkest moments of our struggle, when our backs were to the wall, Muammar Qadhafi stood with us."

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Bloodlines of The Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier

Fritz is a living legend and his books? are mandatory reading material for anyone wanting to understand the snakes who are running our world , The greatest threat to the Illuminati is exposure of the difference between PRIVATE central banks and national central banking. It is that simple. Exposing Astor, Clinton and Jefferson within the context of 1st (20% nationally held) Bank of the USA and the intentionally created debt from Madison's War? to finance the 100% private 2nd bank is not permitted. That formula, war debt creating private central banks, is the crux of Illuminati control. because....the emperor that alllll the Dracula myths and vampire books movies dvds was/were based on an ACTUAL PERSON. A man so evil, his name was Vlad the Impaler from Transylvania. He did? such horrible things that he reached a sort of infamous legend status. Also, he was one of the earlier of the Illuminati bloodline. So we're seeing descendants. I've heard that one. wow this stuff gets better.... and better...

if you have watched the movie Dinner for Schmucks you can see that you can only be mind controlled if you believe someone has? power over your mind.. Then that guy said you have brain control so the "mind control" doesn't affect him.. its all about belief..

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Paul Craig Roberts : Washington do not want to turn Libya over to AlQaeda

The American administration must really be the dumbest government on earth they spent billions in Iraq and millions in Libya for what ??? I do not see any benefit for America or the American people from these wars , I doubt Libya will become a puppet of any kind to America most likely the Libyan oil will be sold to the Europeans and the Chinese and whoever pays it on the international market , there will be no free lunch for the Americans , the American companies already had big oil contracts under Gaddafi , , I do not see Iraq being a puppet to the United States it is more of a puppet to Iran right now the truth is America is a dying super power and its political class is corrupt from top to bottom , he military industrial complex runs the American administration through campaign contributions bribes and pay offs , they need more wars not for the strategical interests of America but only to keep the military industrial complex machine rolling , that's probably the real scenario , Paul Craig Roberts talks about Washington as if it was a person with one brain and doing rational things , it is not Washington policies are dictated by lobbies and special interests , the only puppet and fool I see here is the American administration and the American tax payers are the fools paying the costs of all these useless wars

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Links for 2011-09-19 [del.icio.us]

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We Are On the Edge of World War III - Lyndon LaRouche

A Warning by Lyndon LaRouche : we Are On the Edge of World War III - A speech by Lyndon LaRouche about the British Empire (Wallstreet and Lombardstreet) and a soon coming WW III! mixed with own Impressions. A serious charge against the banksters and their "evil Empire"! unfortunately this means that more than likely, humanity is about to learn once again some very harsh lessons that only suffering immensely illustrate. WW in this age will mean Billions die and suffer unimaginable horrors. On Saturday morning Lyndon LaRouche discussed the threat of a British-sponsored World War III, stating that the Middle East is the new Balkans; the trigger point has been carefully set up, and as the fuse is burning down on the financial resources to carry out that operation, the time for that operation to be launched, or defeated, is now.This is bad, bad stuff; I pray that cooler heads and that God prevail. ? As a 2nd front, like the invasion of Sicily which took Germany's attention off of Kursk; Pakistan can easily cut the US supply lines and perform a pincer movement to cut-off 200K US troops up in that hellhole Afghanistan, a modern day Stalingrad, the grave of the German 6th Army, possibly the grave of the USA.

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Links for 2011-09-20 [del.icio.us]

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Tim Rifat : America planning to To Conquer the World

Tim Rifat on Jeff Rense Show 26 Oct 2011 : Tim Explains: How big brother is getting bigger and out of control , How the government starts censoring sensitive data from the internet , The Rothschild have made western governments irrelevant because of their amount of control.The British are much more sophisticated than the Americans , the Cobalt 60 , the Effects of Radiation on pregnant women World War 4 level of fallout on the way Future generations of humans will be born with damaged dna

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Links for 2011-09-23 [del.icio.us]

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Links for 2011-09-25 [del.icio.us]

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Links for 2011-09-21 [del.icio.us]

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Links for 2011-09-24 [del.icio.us]

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Paul Craig Roberts : Washington do not want to turn Libya over to AlQaeda

The American administration must really be the dumbest government on earth they spent billions in Iraq and millions in Libya for what ??? I do not see any benefit for America or the American people from these wars , I doubt Libya will become a puppet of any kind to America most likely the Libyan oil will be sold to the Europeans and the Chinese and whoever pays it on the international market , there will be no free lunch for the Americans , the American companies already had big oil contracts under Gaddafi , , I do not see Iraq being a puppet to the United States it is more of a puppet to Iran right now the truth is America is a dying super power and its political class is corrupt from top to bottom , he military industrial complex runs the American administration through campaign contributions bribes and pay offs , they need more wars not for the strategical interests of America but only to keep the military industrial complex machine rolling , that's probably the real scenario , Paul Craig Roberts talks about Washington as if it was a person with one brain and doing rational things , it is not Washington policies are dictated by lobbies and special interests , the only puppet and fool I see here is the American administration and the American tax payers are the fools paying the costs of all these useless wars

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Links for 2011-09-22 [del.icio.us]

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Gerald Celente - These protests are about the American spirit that may be re-awakened again

Gerald Celente : The common denominator of the protestors is that they are angry you know my saying is when the money stops flowing to the man in the street the blood starts flowing in the streets , I listen to these politicians they do not take bribes and pay offs they take campaign contributions says Gerald Celente and that's what the people are angry about , Wall street hijacked Washington , these protests are about the American spirit that may be re awakened again Gerald explains

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Webster Tarpley on the Killing of Gaddafi

Webster Tarpley on World Crisis Radio : Anarchists are state agents , we do not know if the NATO assassinated Gaddafi or just one of his doubles , Libya will be devoured by the vultures of the NATO . Tarpley is a hardcore commie in his economic views, but in terms of? geopolitical analysis, I don't think there is anyone better than him today. He has always been an amazing prognosticator of events.

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Why The Rothschild killed Gaddafi ?

"Our" total evil psychopathic leaders love showing the dead, only the former leaders of middle eastern countys; let them show the maimed, mangled, dead men, women, and children who lived there and did nothing wrong. The innocent people did not invite NATO, the military to kill them to save them from their so called evil dictator. War is a? lie for already wealthy satanist psychopaths.

"Now, I am under attack by the biggest force in military history, my little African son, Obama wants to kill me, to take away the freedom of our country, to take away our free housing, our free medicine, our free education, our free food, and replace it with American style thievery, called "capitalism", but all of us in the Third World know what that means, it means corporations run the countries, run the world, and the people suffer." - Muammar Gaddafi, quoted in English Pravda. THE BRUTAL MURDER of Muammar Gaddafi by Zionist-owned Libyan insurgents is an example of what happens to political leaders who defy international bankers. Muammar Gaddafi was a great man who loved his people! Nelson Mandela called Muammar Qadhafi "one of the 20th century's greatest freedom fighters", and insisted the eventual collapse of the apartheid system owed much to Qadhafi and Libyan support. Mandela said that, "in the darkest moments of our struggle, when our backs were to the wall, Muammar Qadhafi stood with us."

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Tim Rifat : America planning to To Conquer the World

Tim Rifat on Jeff Rense Show 26 Oct 2011 : Tim Explains: How big brother is getting bigger and out of control , How the government starts censoring sensitive data from the internet , The Rothschild have made western governments irrelevant because of their amount of control.The British are much more sophisticated than the Americans , the Cobalt 60 , the Effects of Radiation on pregnant women World War 4 level of fallout on the way Future generations of humans will be born with damaged dna

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Occult & Predictions - Coast To Coast AM - 27.10.2011

Practitioner and teacher of natural magic, Dr. Evelyn Paglini, shared her predictions and offered her insights on the state of the world, forecasts for weather, economy, and earth changes, as well as tools for coping with what lies ahead. Paglini said her predictions often show up as images on the "screen of [her] mind", whenever she calls upon the elements or peers into the future for her clients. According to Paglini, there will be escalating devastation as we approach the year 2012. She expects the East Coast of the U.S. to suffer dramatic flooding, while California and several other states contend with deliberately set fires. Paglini senses a home-grown terrorist organization behind the forthcoming conflagrations. Those residing in the Golden State should also plan to be hit by two "strong earthquakes" in the next 12 months, she revealed. Paglini does not see the economy improving for another 18 months or so, and recommended people tighten their financial belts, start home-based businesses and invest in commodities, such as gold, silver, and palladium. On the international front, she warned against China's sinister plans for America, "the war next door" with Mexico, and Iran's potential move against another country.

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Gerald Celente - I am all for this Occupy Wallstreet

Gerald Celente promotes direct democracy , if we can bank online we can vote online , we already have mob rule , it is not called the Gambinos and the Bananos it is called the Republicans and the Democrats , Wall street has hijacked Washington , it is not a revolving door it is an open door , they are a bunch of people that are incompetent and inept that keep getting more and more chances to mess things up at greater levels . Gerald Celente : and I have to tell you , I am all for this Occupy Wallstreet thing I have been going down there we have people down there , and the reason I am for it is that these people are not tossing cocktail Molotovs they are not doing anything dangerous , they are everyday people they are not a bunch of hippies

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Big Business is running the world

Truth cannot be shackled.? It always reveals itself. The Truth shall set us free. , evil hides? behind what we know is good! meaning gov! police! vatican! vaccines! us invasions! child protection services! and ect! i would rather deal with straight up in your face evil! Their bunkers wont save them from the upcoming events.....everything will change... for all of us...it will beginn to be visible end August...look at the skys then you will see...they can´t hide it any longer...that´s why they took the infrared telescope WISE offlione for? the public...

A? changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location. I'm not one though who would attribute it to being man-made. Sarah Palin

America is looking for answers. She's looking for a new direction; the world is looking for a light. That light can come from America's great North Star; it can come from Alaska. Sarah Palin

A politician will do anything to keep his job - even become a patriot. William Randolph

Do you ever get the feeling that the only reason we have elections is to find out if the polls were right? Robert Orben

Every man who repeats the dogma of Mill that one country is no fit to rule another country must admit that one class is not fit to rule another class. B. R. Ambedkar

Free speech is? not to be regulated like diseased cattle and impure butter. The audience that hissed yesterday may applaud today, even for the same performance. William O. Douglas

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Joel Skousen - World Affairs Brief 26 Oct 2011

Joel Skousen - Jeff Rense - 26 Oct 2011 ; Joel Skousen, is author, retreat consultant, and founder and editor of World Affairs Brief, a weekly news analysis service. a weekly news-analysis service dedicated to providing an understanding of the hidden agendas behind the actions of world leaders and other powerful individuals who influence government from behind the scenes. Mr. Skousen is a political scientist by training who specializes in the philosophy of law and Constitutional theory. He is also a designer of high security residences and retreats. Joel served as a fighter pilot for the US Marine Corps during the Vietnam era. During the 80's he took a leave of absence to serve as the Chairman of the Conservative National Committee in Washington DC and concurrently served as the Executive Editor of Conservative Digest.

From the World Affairs Brief: SIGNS OF ECONOMIC COLLAPSE: IF, WHEN AND HOW BAD? When big insider banks like Goldman Sachs start shorting the markets in a big way, and advise their high roller clients via private letter to do the same, you can bet the market s are going to take a beating in October. Puts shorting the S&P 500 are at a record high for October which indicates that a lot of big money is predicting a huge fall in global stocks soon. Certainly, the fundamentals concur that stocks are overpriced and that interest rates are artificially low compared to real inflation. Are we on the cusp of a major depression? Let's see.

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Gerald Celente - The banks are ripping off everybody and not one head rolls

Gerald Celente - The Regular Guys - 24 Oct 2011 : there is no saving the system not as long as they continue the policies that they do ...the whole system is corrupt from top to bottom , Gaddafi was hot o Condoleza Rice , what it all boils down to regarding the protests is just a lot of angry people as the system is rigged , the big guys can get away with everything that's what makes people angry explains Gerald Celente , these banks are ripping off everybody not one head rolls

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Steve Quayle : Prophetic Warnings -Global Turmoil, Judgment on America

Steve Quayle pre-recorded broadcast on The 10/27/11 Survive To Thrive Broadcast : Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Coming Global Famine Steve Quayle offered commentary on current events and global turmoil. Economic collapse being deliberately created and coming NUCLEAR WAR with China! Disasters coming around the world that may reduce the populationThere are many disruptive earth changes all converging this month such as volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, and fires, he said, adding that the quakes in Colorado and the East Coast were rather anomalous.

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The Calling By Max Igan [FULL]

The Calling By Max Igan : This? is a must see !! Great Woe is upon the Earth, great turmoil and strife because of greed and? corruption and everyone just apathetically allows it to continue. Everyone wants to believe that everything is just wonderful and prefer to remain blind keeping their heads in the sand. They want someone else to be responsible for them instead of being responsible themselves. How can we wake them up to their senses so we can put an end to these evil ruiners and insane criminals ? Stop following, start leading. We are one. Indeed. We must stop being sheeple. Everyone in the world should watch this. We must crumble this control system.And spread truth about corporate deception: exposing the economic exploitation of foreign countries by? the global empire from within America, The system is fascist,? Corporate Soulless operators. Executors automata Controlled twisted laws, braking every human rights, war mongers, polluters, politic corrupt system, dehumanized robots. WAKE UP SELVES NOW Who ever serve with NWO,. yes is guilty in first person for destruction of our beloved planet. We human have responsibility to Not Comply with whoever breach nature laws, humans value, OUR children's future, Earth survival. NUCLEAR MELTDOWN IS HAPPENING. Act NOW

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Gerald Celente at Occupy Wallstreet- 25 Oct 2011

Gerald Celente at Liberty Plaza.- 25 Oct 2011 : unlike what the main stream media is telling us that the protestrs are a bunch of radicals and hippies it is all Bunch of Baloney says Gerald Celente , the sanitation problem mentioned by main stream media was another Bunch of Baloney noted Gerald Celente , the people that came here are for real they are not going anywhere says Gerald , there is also plenty of food provisions

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Max Igan - Surviving The Matrix - 28 Oct 2011

Have all the faith in the world. One by one, people are opening there eyes. We will change this earth to a beautiful place of compassion and love. Your message is felt and spread by all who listen.. We have a way to liberate the human by freeing them from the separation caused by the ego/guard and then unifying all the fragments of self into wholeness. It is? not doing the work for the person, rather giving the individual a chance to help themselves which is very difficult with the guard in place and fragmentation. Is humankind ready for that?

"What, then, is legislation? ...It is, in short, the assumption of a right to banish the principle of human rights, the principle of justice itself, from off the? earth, and set up their own personal will, pleasure, and interest in its place."

Lysander Spooner, Natural Law, Chapter III: Natural Law Contrasted With Legislation Section IV

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G. Edward Griffin : THE UNITED NATIONS exposed

The truth behind the U.N. The U.N. was created for nothing other than creating a powerful world government. Watch these videos and learn the true U.N.There have been two attempts to create a center of Global Governance / Global Government: the first, the forerunner of the United Nations was the League of Nations. During the First World War several world leaders such as Woodrow Wilson and Jan Smuts, began urging the establishment of an international organization to preserve peace and settle disputes between nations by arbitration. Axiomatic to this argument was that civilization could survive only if it could develop an international system that would insure peace. Thus, in 1919 under the Treaty of Versailles the World Government-in-waiting, the proposed League of Nations, was designed "to promote international cooperation and to achieve peace and security." However, because the US Congress, Senate and the ordinary people refused to participate in such blatant Internationalism, the "League" was doomed and after failing to prevent the Second World War, the League of Nations ceased its activities.

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Tim Alexander : we got to kill the FED

Tim Alexander on Dr Deagle Show 27 Oct 2011 : You got to stay on target , we got to kill the FED you cannot modify it you can't reform it and the government has got to take back control of the printing presses , the change we got with Obama is what weleft with in our pockets the change in our pockets

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CIA WhistleBlower spills the beans

CIA WhistleBlower spills the beans : Another spoke in the HUGE rabbit wheel of 9/11. Its much more than a rabbit hole... . Its a ride in a rollercoaster tunnel to the center of? the earth. .. Going as planned it seems- judging from lack of indictments and investigations. And not one mainstream media report! What does that tell ya about how deep this rabbit hole really goes , with all the "mysterios Deaths surrounding 911, I am very surprised this Girls alive, that is almost the best reason to? be skeptical, I speak candidly but "on the cuff" a lil' too..... I gotta watch some of this again, didnt she say they followed the suspected thermite installers Vans Home & that they knew who they were & where they lived ? how bout interview thse guys or did I hear her wrong

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Max Igan : The Vatican controls all the Central Banks around the Planet

Max Igan - The Occupy movement is not complaining about the economic downturn it is complaining about the economic system itself , it's the money that's the problem it is not the economic downturn , the problems that we face in the planet is because of the central banking system which has been imposed around the planet by the crown Corporation which is created by the Vatican , the Vatican controls all these central banks anyway and now their answer to the problem is to further centralize the power and give more power to the Vatican

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Webster Tarpley : Debt is not Sacred

Webster Tarpley on World Crisis Radio broadcast on October 29th 2011. : we are headed now to a hot autumn , the libertarians also defend the sanctity of debt , the protesters were forced to embrace one important command it is the one percent wall street sales tax The Robin Hood Tax This means shifting the costs of the speculation off the backs of the working people onto the back of the zombi banks the hedge funds hyenas and all the rest and use part of the proceed of that to pay a student loan amnesty , cancel 1 trillion dollars of oppressive student loan , this is called a one hundred percent haircut , the Austrian argument is that debt is sacred

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Evidence that Napolitano Knew About Fast and Furious In 2009

DHS SECY CAUGHT LYING TO CONGRESS! Here is video evidence that DHS Secy Napolitano KNEW ABOUT Operation Fast & Furious in 2009, long before she admitted knowing about it to Rep Issa. (She recently claimed 2010 under oath.) We have her here on video committing PERJURY! This women is lying her @*&* off and anyone with a brain knows it. She is responsible for the murder of those agents.?Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano at a Congressional hearing on Wednesday (10/26/2011) claimed that she was not briefed on Operation Fast and Furious until December of 2010. However, video evidence conclusively shows that she was not only at the press conference, when Project Gun Runner (3/24/2009) was announced by Deputy Attorney General David Ogden, but she stood right next to him. The Deputy Attorney General spoke of the ATF's plan to trace guns going to Mexico. Later, in that press conference Napolitano directly outlined the plans for Operation Fast and Furious.

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We Are On the Edge of World War III - Lyndon LaRouche

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Imran Hosein - Analysis on The Arab Uprising From Libya to Syria

One of the great scholars of our time is explaining the difference between the appearance and reality of the strange world of today where we live. Sheikh Imran Hosein Malaysia (Extended) Lecture Tour -He gives his opinion and analyses of what's the Arab spring , how we are going from Tripoli ( in Libya ) to Damascus ( in Syria ) was all this prophesied are we in the end days (This is the Islamic point of view of the end days ) The Signs of the Last Day in the Modern World. Imran Nazar Hosein is a leading International Islamic Philosopher, Scholar and author, specialising in world politics, economy, eschatology , modern socio-economic/political issues and expert on international affairs. He is best-selling author of Jerusalem in the Qur'an.Imran Nazar Hosein is a leading International Islamic Philosopher, Scholar and author, specialising in world politics, economy, eschatology , modern socio-economic/political issues and expert on international affairs. He is best-selling author of Jerusalem in the Qur'an and numerous other publications on politics, economy and international affairs based on the Quran and Hadith.

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Bloodlines of The Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier

Fritz is a living legend and his books? are mandatory reading material for anyone wanting to understand the snakes who are running our world , The greatest threat to the Illuminati is exposure of the difference between PRIVATE central banks and national central banking. It is that simple. Exposing Astor, Clinton and Jefferson within the context of 1st (20% nationally held) Bank of the USA and the intentionally created debt from Madison's War? to finance the 100% private 2nd bank is not permitted. That formula, war debt creating private central banks, is the crux of Illuminati control. because....the emperor that alllll the Dracula myths and vampire books movies dvds was/were based on an ACTUAL PERSON. A man so evil, his name was Vlad the Impaler from Transylvania. He did? such horrible things that he reached a sort of infamous legend status. Also, he was one of the earlier of the Illuminati bloodline. So we're seeing descendants. I've heard that one. wow this stuff gets better.... and better...

if you have watched the movie Dinner for Schmucks you can see that you can only be mind controlled if you believe someone has? power over your mind.. Then that guy said you have brain control so the "mind control" doesn't affect him.. its all about belief..

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L. A. Marzulli - The War in Heaven - Coast To Coast AM - 30.10.2011

Author, Broadcaster, Blogger and Commentator L. A. Marzulli returns to Coast To Coast AM to give us his perspective of recent, world events There is so much that is going on in the world it is almost impossible to keep track of it all. he how a recent string of events validates notions of a coming great deception, as foretold in ancient prophecies. And the signs that an unseen heavenly war being fought in another dimension is about to spill over into our dimension. Two forces have been battling for millennia with the entire cosmos as their playing field, and humans are the unfortunate pawns in their "cosmic chess match," he said, citing Lucifer, or the fallen angel, as the opponent on the dark side. As prophecy texts in the Bible have indicated, we are nearing the end of this war, and seeing the "birth pangs" that will lead up to the final seven years of tribulation, he continued. Prophecies of increased earthquakes, and other calamities are "being fulfilled like gangbusters," he added.

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Gerald Celente @ Occupy Wallstreet

Gerald Celente at Liberty Plaza : what you get is small change when you wait for change , you got no change and that's the kind of change you got , you got hope but you still got hope for change Gerald Celente told a couple of protesters when they asked him ih he is ready to fight and die for the lies of these administrations , war is propaganda

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