Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Recipe: Granola Muffins

Today’s recipe compliments of Cherrie S. in Utah.

Granola Muffins
3/4 c. sugar
1/2 c. butter
2 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 c. whey milk
1 1/2 c. eFoodsDirect Pancake Mix
1/8 tsp. salt
1 1/2 c. granola
1/2 c. dried fruit
1/2 c. coconut

Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix well.  Place on a greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes or until done.  You may need to add more flour depending on your elevation.

If you try this recipe, let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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Survival Goats, part 4: How to Prepare for Goats

[This article is part of a series.  Begin with part 1.]

Before you bring your first goats home, there are a few things you’ll want to prepare…


First of all, you’ll need to decide where you’re going to keep your goats.  Along the same lines, you’ll need to decide where you do not want to keep your goats.  Preferably the goats should not be with trees; they will eat the bark and kill the trees.  If you have a garden now, know that you won’t have a garden if your goats can get to it.

You’ll probably need to put in fences.  For full-size dairy goats you’ll need fencing that is at least 4 feet tall, with spaces that are no bigger than 4 inches square.

We usually buy fencing from a hardware store, but it is also available from country stores.  Choose something sturdy.  Goats are strong, and they test fences.  Also, some goats jump.  We have one goat that will jump our 4 foot fencing at a place where the metal fencing does not have a wooden fence supporting it across the top.  None of our other goats have jumped fences.


Have a 3-sided shelter or barn.  It does not need to be very large.  Put straw in the bottom.  (This will need to be cleaned on a periodic basis.)

Purchase a trimmer for goat hooves.

You’ll also want collars for the goats, so that you can lead them easily.  You may choose to buy these after you have your goats, and that’s all right too, but the collar should be large anyway, so the actual size of the goat’s neck doesn’t matter as much as you think it will.


Purchase alfalfa hay.  Dairy goats typically free-feed on hay and receive grain as a supplement while they are being milked.  I think the most common grain to supplement with is a mix called “cob.”  If you will only be keeping does (no bucks), you can choose to buy sweetened or unsweetened cob.  If you will have a buck around, you may want to stick to unsweetened cob because sweetened cob can cause infection in bucks.

Have a way to give your goats water.  We originally just used a bucket that hangs on the side of the fence; that works all right if you only have a few goats.  Now that we have more goats, we put a small pond in the goat area and they drink from that.  You could also use a stock tank or a waterer, or anything that sounds like it would work.

It’s a good idea to also offer the goats a mineral block (SweetLix “Meat maker” block is an ideal choice) and baking soda in a dish, free choice.  These supplements help the goats to maintain good health—they have shinier coats, they birth easier, etc.


To prepare to milk your goats, you’ll need a milk stand.  You can buy one of these, or you can make one.  If you search online you’ll find free plans for various types of milk stands.  When you’re choosing a milk stand, there are some certain things to think about: it’s nice if there’s enough space for you to sit on the edge of the milk stand while you milk; the space for the goat’s head can accommodate full size goats, dwarfs, or both; you’ll want to clean the main surface that the goat stands on, so anything that makes it easier to clean is good.

For milking you will also want certain other supplies: something to clean the goats’ teats (iodine and a dipper or spray bottle, or udder wipes); you may want a “hobble” if you’re buying goats that have not already been milked; you’ll want a way to filter the milk (we use a metal filter with disposable milk filter papers); you’ll want somewhere to put all that milk you’re collecting (we use mason jars with plastic lids).


If you’re planning to keep a buck you may want to consider making some extra arrangements.  Bucks urinate on themselves to attract the does, and their stench is known to contaminate the milk, so it’s not a good idea to run your buck with your does.  Instead, you’ll probably want to have separate areas for does and the buck.

Whether you’re planning to keep your own buck, or rent a buck, or something else, you’ll probably be breeding your does, because that will keep them producing milk (and kids).  If you’re planning to breed purebred goats, you’ll probably want to join the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA).

If you’ll be having kids, you’ll most likely want a disbudding iron to get rid of their horns, and if you’re breeding papered animals, you’ll need a tattoo outfit so that you can permanently identify the individual goats that your does produce.  Unless you’re buying a pregnant doe, you can choose to purchase these supplies later.

That’s about it!  Next time we’ll look at how to select dairy goats for your first herd.

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Emergency Kits: Car Kits – Blankets

If you’re piecing together your car kit, please see my last post about storing water in your car. That should be your first item to include. Today we’re going over a few other basics for your car kit….

Blanket: It doesn’t have to be fancy, but have a blanket or two in your car for emergencies. Especially if you live in cold weather, will be driving through cold weather, or to a destination that has….cold weather. This can be life saving if something happens to your vehicle and your stranded until help arrives. If you have multiple members of your home that travel regularly with you, then I would definitely include more than one.

Depending on the circumstances, even if your engine is working, it may not be safe to run it (ex. after an accident). So even if your car is in tip-top shape, there’s always a possibility you’ll be stuck without heat. Even if cold weather isn’t a factor, a blanket can provide comfort, shade, absorption for messes, emergency bandages etc. The possibilities are endless.

Emergency blankets are easy to come by, and are relatively inexpensive. You can buy them at superstores, online or at specialty camping stores. If you’re assembling  your home emergency kit at the same time, just buy multiple of what you plan on storing in your home kit.

And if your lucky, you won’t have to buy Shammies at a Nevada gas station for your toddler girls at 2 am because you forgot to bring blankets for them to sleep with on your 16 hour road trip…such as my brother in law had to do.

Stay warm out there friends!

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Car Emergency Kits: Jump on It.

One of the main essentials for a car emergency kit is jumper cables. For those that aren’t in the know, jumper cables are used to restore charge to a drained battery from a car who has a fully working battery. A drained battery is fairly common – the headlights and/or interior lights get left on, external accessories (GPS, cell charger, TV etc) can drain your battery if left on for extended periods of time, even extreme temperatures can affect your battery’s charge.

With all of these variables, it’s easy to believe that you will have to get your car jumped at least a few times in your life. Even if you have never had a car battery die on you, you could always make someone’s day by being the good Samaritan that has the jumper cables and is ready to lend power.

Where to Get Jumper Cables:

Lucky for you – jumper cables are not hard to find. You don’t have to go to a specialty store or anything like that. Most any store with an “automotive” section will have them. However, if you’re looking for specific jumper cable components, a specialty store may have a bigger selection. Once you’ve decided what you want, purchasing them online may be an easy option as well.

Other Specifications:

If you can, spring for a length of cable that is longer than your vehicle, in case you need a jump from someone parked behind you.The “alligator clips” on the end of the cables made entirely of copper tend to be higher priced, but are preferable. Lower end alligator clips are not solid copper – they may be copper plated steel or something similar.

I’ve only had to have my car jumped once. I was definitely grateful for the stranger that had some cables to lend. Not to mentions his time…..and car…..ha!

Drive safe out there!

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Man-Made Disasters

There are numerous types of man-made disasters that the average person does not realize that can happen in our lifetime, especially with the current political climate.  So when preparing, you need to take every one of these into consideration.

Arson – Pyromaniacs on the loose, burning anything and everything they want.

Armageddon – The middle east is a current world hot spot that is only getting hotter with civil unrest and ongoing revolution in several countries.

Biological Warfare – Terrorist do have access to numerous types of very deadly biological agents from countries that support them.  It is only a matter of time.

Blackouts / Brownouts – with the current power grid old and out dated, it’s only a matter of the time until it crashes or a cyber attack takes it down leaving the majority if not everyone in the dark.

Chemical Warfare – Terrorist also have access to numerous types of very deadly chemical agents.  Again, it’s only a matter of time.

Civil unrest – With the current political situation in a tailspin and unemployment on the rise, it’s only a matter of time until we see more American citizens taking to streets in mass to protest.  In a short time, you will see this in every major U.S. city.

Civil / Political / Race Wars – A Civil war would result in a revolution against a corrupt government.  A political war would result between the Democrats, the Republicans and third party members.  And Race wars would result from no law enforcement due to a total collapse of our society with race hatred going ballistic.  In the southeast, white Supremist / KKK against blacks, and in the southwest, Hispanic gangs against everyone else, all resulting multiple blood baths.  This would also include wars over religion.

Crime Waves – When our economy totally collapses, mass crime waves in every major city over a population of 500,000 will be inevitable.

Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack – As I talked about at the beginning of these articles, a definitely possibility in our very near future.

Environmental Disasters – Under reported in the mainstream media, the Gulf Oil Spill in 2010 and the chemicals used to clean the mess up has caused hundreds of thousands of people who live along the Gulf Coast to get very sick and even die.

Epidemics / Pandemics – Avian flu, Bird flu and Influenza flu are just three of many deadly viruses that can kill thousands to hundreds of thousands to millions.  During the Influenza Pandemic of 1918, almost 1/3 of the U.S. population was infected and an estimated 675,000 men, women and children died.  When the next pandemic strikes with the intensity of 1918, an estimated 50% to 70% would be infected and an estimated 100 million could die.

False Flag Operations – False Flag Operations are operations conducted by Governments, Corporations or other Organizations, which are designed to appear as though they are being carried out by other entities.  The purpose is to deceive the public for their support towards an unlawful and unwarranted agenda.  9/11 is said to be a False Flag Operation.

Famine and Starvation – In the 20th century, the U.S. was the bread basket of the world shipping our excess food overseas.  By 2012, the U.S. will be importing over 40% to feed the people. With the increase of natural disasters both in frequency and intensity destroying food crops worldwide and especially here in the U.S., it will be only a matter of time until there will be massive food riots here in America.  Since 2006, over 137,000 people worldwide have died in food riots.

FEMA – is directly under Homeland Security.  Once our corrupt government declares Martial Law, portions of our military along with private security firms will start to roundup U.S. citizens and put them in the numerous FEMA camps located around the country.  The map below shows known camps.

Financial / Stock Market Collapse / Hyperinflation – With the current political situation in a tailspin and not getting any better, it’s not surprising that we are seeing Bank Closures, the Devaluation of the Dollar, our Economy Collapsing, more Homelessness, Hyperinflation, more and more people Unemployed and the Stock Market on a rollercoaster ride.  It’s only a matter of time until bank runs will force the banks close their doors permanently and a loaf of bread will cost well over $100.  The following links is about the hyperinflation and the collapse of the dollar.




Foreign Invasion of the United States – With Chinese troops on our border down in Mexico and an estimated 100,000 Chinese paramilitary troops within our own borders, the Russians in Central America and in Cuba and the U.N. stationing their vehicles across the U.S., we are poised for a definite unwanted and unwarranted invasion.

Global Warming – As the polar icecaps continue to melt and the world oceans and seas continuing to slowly rise, it’s only a matter of time until something happens.

International Gangs – The most violent gang, Mara Salvatrucha also known as MS-13 has well over 100,000 members just in the U.S., not counting thousands more overseas.  The drug wars along the U.S. Mexican border ran by International gangs throughout Mexico are extremely violent and brutal throwing dead bodies and body parts in public areas to intimidate the public.

Lawlessness – When disaster strikes, all hell will break loose.

Martial Law – Will take away our freedoms for security (Slavery).  Check out the video and see what you think.


New World Order – Just look up the Bilderberg Group, the Council for Excellence in Government, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Group of Thirty, the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Trilateral Commission for starters.  The NWO wants to reduce the world population and turn every common person into a slave to do their bidding.

North American Union – Certain U.S. and world leaders want to bring Canada, the U.S. and Mexico under one rule and one currency like the European Union.  Free trade and open borders all across North America.


Nuclear Warfare – Would be a Worse Case Scenario.

Overpopulation – With the world population pushing seven billion and the world food crop falling due to natural disasters, starvation and famine will only increase.

Plagues – The Black Death of the 14th century killed an estimated 50% (about 100 million) of the European population peaking between 1348 and 1350.  It’s only a matter of time until another strikes.

Radical Islamic Fanatics – With the current Islamic influence in Washington and numerous states and major cities around the U.S., it’s not suppressing that many want to replace our Constitution and Bill of Rights with Islamic Shariah Law.  This would permanently destroy the United States and turn every female into a second class citizen.  These fanatics do not give a damn about human life; they will kill men, women, children and babies.  I saw this first hand in 2005 in Iraq.  Watch these informative videos.



Riots – With the upcoming financial collapse and hyperinflation, riots will drastically increase here in the U.S. in every major city causing millions of $$$ in damage.

Terrorist Attacks – There have been numerous terrorist attacks around the world committed by radical Muslims including here in the U.S.  It is only a matter of time until they strike again here in the U.S.

Totalitarianism / Socialism / Communism – It’s also interesting how many of our politicians in Washington actually belong to the Socialist party with Communist ideas.  Again, this ideology will destroy the United States.

World War III – Will probably start in the Middle East and the spread around the world killing more of our young men and women defending our freedoms.

Being aware of these types of manmade disaster and preparing for them will greatly enhance your chances of survival.

Next article:  Natural Disasters

Recommended reading:

Dare to Prepare by Holly Deyo is one of the top three preparedness books on the market.

One Second After by William R. Forstchen is an excellent novel on what will happen after an EMP attack.

Patriots – A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse by James Wesley, Rawles is another excellent novel of what will happen after an economic collapse.

How to Survive the End of the World As We Know It by James Wesley, Rawles is another excellent reference book on preparedness.

Recommended viewing:

After Armageddon is a History Channel 90 minute documentary about a worse case scenario disaster situation that can be watched on You Tube.


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Survival Herbs: Golden Seal

The use of plants to heal or combat illness is probably as old as human-kind-a fact that has not been ignored by medical science.  The pharmaceutical industry grew out of the use of herbs for treating specific complaints, and many of today’s prescription drugs are extracts from plants administered in controlled doses.  And the search continues for new drugs among wild plants as yet untapped for their medicinal riches.Herbal healing is a speciality that will need to be cultivated for survival situations.   A survival team should have at least on person trained in herbal lore and medicinal herbs.  A Herb that I discussed during a previous blog that I felt was extremely important for your supplies was Echinacea.  Golden Seal is another herb that I recommend for your stores.

Golden Seal Root has a long history of use among Native Americans. It was used for sore eyes, mouth ulcers, and mixed with bear grease to use as an insect repellent.  It has great antiseptic and has healing properties and is great for cleansing the liver and blood as well as restore digestive functions.  Some herbalists use caution against this herb due to it causing uterine contractions.  Golden Seal can be made into extracts and tinctures.  My previous post mentioned several herbal remedies.  Hopefully you have had a chance to try these techniques.  The will become helpful in survival situations.

 Next Topic:  Choosing a Survival Team/Group Wisely

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Irrational Survivalists

Far be it from me to find fault with anyone who advocates being prepared for future emergencies. It’s much more important that people store food and necessities against future shortages than to examine anyone’s personal reasons or methods for doing so. But I do admit wincing a bit when I come across those who are making their preparations in all the wrong ways and for all the wrong reasons, as the public often judges such people as representative of the entire Prepper movement.  So I cringed a bit as I watched an episode of Wife Swap this past Monday night.

Viewers were introduced to the Stewarts, a couple with young children who fancy themselves “survivalists.”  Unfortunately for the rest of us whose preparations are based on real world indicators of future financial uncertainty,  this couple was motivated by a television special warning of the Mayan calendar’s “prediction” that the world will come to an abrupt end on December 21st, 2012.

Grover and Dawn Stewart anticipate any number of ways this end will occur: massive earthquakes, gigantic sinkholes that will swallow cities, solar radiation, a magnetic implosion of the earth -you name it.  Whatever form the catastrophe takes, they intend to survive it.

So they prepare for the end by doing everything they can possibly think of. Except exercise, from the looks of the two of them.

I don’t mean to come off as catty, but it stands to reason that if the matriarch of this family truly believes that hard times are a’comin’, she would do all in her power to make sure she was physically fit and up for the challenges ahead.  The ability to endure expected difficulties should, you would think, be of utmost importance to such a person. Instead, it appears Dawn Stewart has made it her goal to represent Survival of the Un-fittest.

Make no mistake, the Stewarts truly believe the world will end next December, without a doubt.  As the wife sinks into the couch like Jabba the Hut, she listens to her shlubby hubby tell us how they’ve already come up with a way to benefit from the approaching apocalypse.

“We are taking advantage of No Interest/No Payment deals until 2012,” he tells us slyly, “because we’re not gonna ever have to pay for ‘em.”

The camera takes us room by room as the wife goes down the list of some of the booty they’ve scored. “We got the TV, furniture for the house, our bedroom set.”  She has a grin on her face as wide as a satchel.  This is clearly the best thing about knowing everyone on earth will be dead next year except them.

“When the payments start coming due,” Grover scoffs, “there’s not gonna be anyone around to collect.”

The self-satisfied look of joy on the faces of these two is something to behold.  They’ve scored big, and all because they know something the rest of us do not.  They are absolutely thrilled at how clever they are.

There may be valid reasons why consumers may be forced to default on their credit card payments in the near future, and then there are reasons that the law won’t excuse.  One such reason is fraud.

These two geniuses just looked into a television camera and giddily informed the whole world how they are committing deliberate, intentional fraud.  I was reminded of the four Pittsburgh teenagers who recently robbed a grocery store of $8,000.00 in cash, and then went home and posted photos of themselves online triumphantly displaying all the loot.

The world may very well end by December 21st, but if it does, I don’t anticipate it will happen by an implosion of the planet.  As the popular phrase goes, if and when the world ends, it will represent “The End Of The World As We Know It.”

That phrase “as we know it” is key.  It means that the prosperity and comfort we have come to know as our accepted way of life for the past decades may well be coming to an end. Austerity and scarcity will be the order of the day.  The good times of plenty as we have known them will most likely be replaced by a long season of belt tightening frugality.

The earth is not likely going to cease to exist, and neither is most of the population. “The future” will not simply evaporate and disappear.  What is likely to happen by the end of next year is what is already happening today: for most of us, life will change, and not for the better. It will not be the end of the physical world, but the end of the way things had been for so long.  The end of the world as we knew it.

People will still be alive and kicking;  it will just be more difficult to stay alive as the cost of living continues to rise.   People in debt will find those debts will continue to come due. And yes, there will still be someone around to collect on them.

Here is what I would say to the Stewarts. If there were a motto to encapsulate the thinking of those of us who are serious about preparing for future contingencies, it might be summed up in these three words:

“Don’t Be Stupid.”

Previously by Rock: Some People Just Have Bad Manners

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