There are numerous types of man-made disasters that the average person does not realize that can happen in our lifetime, especially with the current political climate. So when preparing, you need to take every one of these into consideration.
Arson – Pyromaniacs on the loose, burning anything and everything they want.
Armageddon – The middle east is a current world hot spot that is only getting hotter with civil unrest and ongoing revolution in several countries.
Biological Warfare – Terrorist do have access to numerous types of very deadly biological agents from countries that support them. It is only a matter of time.
Blackouts / Brownouts – with the current power grid old and out dated, it’s only a matter of the time until it crashes or a cyber attack takes it down leaving the majority if not everyone in the dark.
Chemical Warfare – Terrorist also have access to numerous types of very deadly chemical agents. Again, it’s only a matter of time.
Civil unrest – With the current political situation in a tailspin and unemployment on the rise, it’s only a matter of time until we see more American citizens taking to streets in mass to protest. In a short time, you will see this in every major U.S. city.
Civil / Political / Race Wars – A Civil war would result in a revolution against a corrupt government. A political war would result between the Democrats, the Republicans and third party members. And Race wars would result from no law enforcement due to a total collapse of our society with race hatred going ballistic. In the southeast, white Supremist / KKK against blacks, and in the southwest, Hispanic gangs against everyone else, all resulting multiple blood baths. This would also include wars over religion.
Crime Waves – When our economy totally collapses, mass crime waves in every major city over a population of 500,000 will be inevitable.
Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack – As I talked about at the beginning of these articles, a definitely possibility in our very near future.
Environmental Disasters – Under reported in the mainstream media, the Gulf Oil Spill in 2010 and the chemicals used to clean the mess up has caused hundreds of thousands of people who live along the Gulf Coast to get very sick and even die.
Epidemics / Pandemics – Avian flu, Bird flu and Influenza flu are just three of many deadly viruses that can kill thousands to hundreds of thousands to millions. During the Influenza Pandemic of 1918, almost 1/3 of the U.S. population was infected and an estimated 675,000 men, women and children died. When the next pandemic strikes with the intensity of 1918, an estimated 50% to 70% would be infected and an estimated 100 million could die.
False Flag Operations – False Flag Operations are operations conducted by Governments, Corporations or other Organizations, which are designed to appear as though they are being carried out by other entities. The purpose is to deceive the public for their support towards an unlawful and unwarranted agenda. 9/11 is said to be a False Flag Operation.
Famine and Starvation – In the 20th century, the U.S. was the bread basket of the world shipping our excess food overseas. By 2012, the U.S. will be importing over 40% to feed the people. With the increase of natural disasters both in frequency and intensity destroying food crops worldwide and especially here in the U.S., it will be only a matter of time until there will be massive food riots here in America. Since 2006, over 137,000 people worldwide have died in food riots.
FEMA – is directly under Homeland Security. Once our corrupt government declares Martial Law, portions of our military along with private security firms will start to roundup U.S. citizens and put them in the numerous FEMA camps located around the country. The map below shows known camps.
Financial / Stock Market Collapse / Hyperinflation – With the current political situation in a tailspin and not getting any better, it’s not surprising that we are seeing Bank Closures, the Devaluation of the Dollar, our Economy Collapsing, more Homelessness, Hyperinflation, more and more people Unemployed and the Stock Market on a rollercoaster ride. It’s only a matter of time until bank runs will force the banks close their doors permanently and a loaf of bread will cost well over $100. The following links is about the hyperinflation and the collapse of the dollar.
Foreign Invasion of the United States – With Chinese troops on our border down in Mexico and an estimated 100,000 Chinese paramilitary troops within our own borders, the Russians in Central America and in Cuba and the U.N. stationing their vehicles across the U.S., we are poised for a definite unwanted and unwarranted invasion.
Global Warming – As the polar icecaps continue to melt and the world oceans and seas continuing to slowly rise, it’s only a matter of time until something happens.
International Gangs – The most violent gang, Mara Salvatrucha also known as MS-13 has well over 100,000 members just in the U.S., not counting thousands more overseas. The drug wars along the U.S. Mexican border ran by International gangs throughout Mexico are extremely violent and brutal throwing dead bodies and body parts in public areas to intimidate the public.
Lawlessness – When disaster strikes, all hell will break loose.
Martial Law – Will take away our freedoms for security (Slavery). Check out the video and see what you think.
New World Order – Just look up the Bilderberg Group, the Council for Excellence in Government, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Group of Thirty, the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Trilateral Commission for starters. The NWO wants to reduce the world population and turn every common person into a slave to do their bidding.
North American Union – Certain U.S. and world leaders want to bring Canada, the U.S. and Mexico under one rule and one currency like the European Union. Free trade and open borders all across North America.
Nuclear Warfare – Would be a Worse Case Scenario.
Overpopulation – With the world population pushing seven billion and the world food crop falling due to natural disasters, starvation and famine will only increase.
Plagues – The Black Death of the 14th century killed an estimated 50% (about 100 million) of the European population peaking between 1348 and 1350. It’s only a matter of time until another strikes.
Radical Islamic Fanatics – With the current Islamic influence in Washington and numerous states and major cities around the U.S., it’s not suppressing that many want to replace our Constitution and Bill of Rights with Islamic Shariah Law. This would permanently destroy the United States and turn every female into a second class citizen. These fanatics do not give a damn about human life; they will kill men, women, children and babies. I saw this first hand in 2005 in Iraq. Watch these informative videos.
Riots – With the upcoming financial collapse and hyperinflation, riots will drastically increase here in the U.S. in every major city causing millions of $$$ in damage.
Terrorist Attacks – There have been numerous terrorist attacks around the world committed by radical Muslims including here in the U.S. It is only a matter of time until they strike again here in the U.S.
Totalitarianism / Socialism / Communism – It’s also interesting how many of our politicians in Washington actually belong to the Socialist party with Communist ideas. Again, this ideology will destroy the United States.
World War III – Will probably start in the Middle East and the spread around the world killing more of our young men and women defending our freedoms.
Being aware of these types of manmade disaster and preparing for them will greatly enhance your chances of survival.
Next article: Natural Disasters
Recommended reading:
Dare to Prepare by Holly Deyo is one of the top three preparedness books on the market.
One Second After by William R. Forstchen is an excellent novel on what will happen after an EMP attack.
Patriots – A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse by James Wesley, Rawles is another excellent novel of what will happen after an economic collapse.
How to Survive the End of the World As We Know It by James Wesley, Rawles is another excellent reference book on preparedness.
Recommended viewing:
After Armageddon is a History Channel 90 minute documentary about a worse case scenario disaster situation that can be watched on You Tube.
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