Monday, May 2, 2011

We’re United Again!

Butler Shaffer
May 2, 2011
With Pres. Obama’s popularity continuing to decline in the face of the Middle East wars, enduring downturns in the health of the economy and the dollar, accelerated upturns in gasoline prices, and other evidence that our centrally directed society is in collapse, some good news was badly needed by our political masters. Where can such encouragement be found in the real world? Hmmm. Despite the fact that news reports from 2001 informed us that Osama bin Laden had died of lung ailments, we have been told that his death was just now brought about by U.S. government operatives. We will soon be shown bin Laden’s remains — as was done with Saddam Hussein — to prove the point, right? No? Why not? Oh, his body was quickly buried at sea. Is Boobus going to buy into this story, just as he did the government’s assertion that bin Laden masterminded the 9/11 attacks? Perhaps bin Laden was the architect of the 9/11 atrocities, and perhaps U.S. operatives did kill this man, as President Obama reports, but how would we know? We ought to heed the words of the late George Carlin, to “never believe anything the government tells me!”
The mainstream media is doing its assigned job of propagandizing the government’s line on this. You will hear no disquieting questions asked. As Noam Chomsky reminds us, it is not the media’s role to raise questions that might cast doubts on government policies.
As Americans become increasingly disenchanted with governmental performance, President Obama prefaced his Sunday night remarks with these words: “Let’s bring back the sense of unity that existed on 9/11.” The next morning, CNN’s Carol Costello chirped her lines: “Americans are united again.” How about that! Wouldn’t it be nice if we just had bin Laden’s body to offer to the public as evidence supporting Obama’s claim. But, darn, someone immediately disposed of his remains, and at sea, no less, where recovery would be impossible!
Perhaps Obama can find a modern equivalent of the Coroner in The Wizard of Oz who, following the death of the Wicked Witch of the East, intoned: “As Coroner I must aver, I thoroughly examined her, and she’s not only merely dead, she’s really most sincerely dead.” There must be someone at the CIA or NSA who could play the part!

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