Saturday, January 7, 2012

Calls from Police on FEMA's COG Takeover Plan for Americans

Stolen from TheAlexJonesChannel on Dec 23, 2011

Now, we find FEMA soliciting personnel to run a military-COG program that designates Americans as an enemy population. It is a perfect storm, timed with the Bill of Rights-destroying 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that puts on paper the indefinite detention of Americans without trial.

Yet the smoking gun document is a public bid for contracting companies. It's designation at FBO.gov is as a "Pre-Solicitation Notice for Program and Mission Support Services."

Why don't they want you to know? What HAS been exposed publicly points directly to overt takeovers of the constitutional government via martial law, the use of troops on the street (in violation of Posse Comitatus) and a definitive takeover of all communications, including the establishment of secure emergency communications lines for the the Continuity of Government controllers. More to the point, it validates the worst of fears-- that rhetoric issued from political leaders in America demonizing its people as potential terrorists relates to real plans, albeit obscured from popular public knowledge, to target and indefinitely detain dissidents and other ordinary citizens any during declared emergencies, or for any pretext of national security.

That's right. The stuff out of cautionary tales like Seven Days in May, reviewed here by Alex Jones, and translated onto screen in 1964, has come true. Whether for a worthwhile pretext or not, plans have been put into place to transfer power outside of elected government. In its place is a constitution-circumventing framework to share power between the special interests who have bought/run the executive branch and legislative branch, including the National Security shadow powers given precedent there, including military and CIA capabilities.




View the original article here

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