Kurt Nimmo
April 27, 2011
In the video below, the former beauty queen who held the Miss USA title in 2003, Susie Castillo, says a TSA “screener” fondled her vagina during an intrusive pat-down.
Ms. Castillo was subjected to the groping after she refused to enter a naked body scanner at the airport in Dallas, Texas.
In late 2010, the TSA put in place new procedure guidelines instructing agents to use their “palms and fingers” to “probe” airline customer bodies for hidden weapons, including breasts and other private parts.
On April 15, CNN reported that people who complain about naked body scanners and intrusive airport pat-downs will be investigated as terrorists and criminals.
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Lawmakers around the country have introduced legislation designed to rollback the pat-downs after the public and airline employees voiced complaints. In March, legislation was introduced into the Texas House of Representatives directly challenging the authority of the TSA in airports within the state and specifically aimed at criminalizing the use of naked body scanners and enhanced pat-downs.
In November of 2010, chief deputy DA and incoming DA of San Mateo County Steve Wagstaffe told the Alex Jones Show his office will prosecute TSA employees who engage in lewd and lascivious behavior while conducting pat-downs at the San Francisco International Airport. Wagstaffe told Alex Jones that county police will be sent into the San Francisco International Airport. If they witness TSA employees engaged in criminal conduct, they will make arrests and the DA’s office will prosecute.
In January, former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura launched a lawsuit against the TSA for subjecting him to humiliating pat-downs as he traveled for his work as the host of the popular TruTV show Conspiracy Theory. Ventura said that he would “no longer be forced by the TSA to prove he is not a criminal or terrorist.”
Earlier this week, Janet Napolitano, head of the Department of Homeland Security, said the TSA had the authority to conduct an intrusive pat-down on a six year old girl. “Parts of the pat down, in another setting, clearly constituted the kind of inappropriate touching that, if done by anyone else, would have resulted in charges of child abuse and sexual assault. The pat down even caused the little girl to cry, her parents later said in televised interviews,” writes J. D. Heyes.
In November, an Alex Jones employee related her experience with the TSA in Denver. Her children were subjected to the intrusive pat-down procedure.
Castillo is currently a spokeswoman for Neutrogena and has appeared on a number of television shows, including the ABC Family reality television series, America’s Prom Queen. Stock up with Fresh Food that lasts with eFoodsDirect (Ad)
She also held the title of Miss Massachusetts Teen USA in 1998.
CAIRO — Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, the largest and best-organized Islamist faction in Egypt, announced Saturday the formation of its new political party and said it plans to contest half the seats in parliament in the first post-revolution elections scheduled for next fall.
The Freedom and Justice Party is the culmination of more than 80 years of struggle toward official recognition and full political participation for the Muslim Brotherhood. Since the group's founding in 1928, successive Egyptian administrations have outlawed the group and arrested its members.
"This party will be independent from the Brotherhood, but will coordinate with it," Mahmoud Hussein, the secretary general of the Brotherhood, told a news conference in Cairo.
The party will be led by Mohamed Morsy, who served in the Brotherhood's political bureau, along with other well known figures: Essam el Erian as deputy chief and Saad Katatni as secretary general.
Under deposed President Hosni Mubarak's regime, the Brotherhood was officially banned and continually persecuted, but its members could run for office as independents. The Brotherhood is riven with internal differences — most notably between the old guard and a reform-minded wing — and even senior members claim to represent no more than about 20 percent of the Egyptian public.
The experience in organizing, however, gives the Brotherhood an edge over fledgling political groups that have emerged only since the fall of Mubarak in February.
While youth groups welcomed the Brotherhood's participation in the uprising, they're also poised to challenge any attempts by conservative Islamists to chart Egypt's path to democracy.
Morsy, head of the new party, addressed those concerns at the news conference: "The party will not be Islamist in the old understanding," he said.
The Brotherhood has said it wouldn't field a presidential candidate and wouldn't endorse any Brotherhood-linked member running on his own, according to the website. The group's officials said they planned to field candidates for "45 to 50 percent" of Egypt's 444 available legislative seats. Earlier, Brotherhood members had said they'd run for about 30 percent of the seats.
"What was announced today was the final decision of the (internal) council, which reflects the opinion of the movement," Katatni said. "Before, there were personal assumptions and speculation."
The Muslim Brotherhood typically is regarded as moderate on the Islamist spectrum; the group disavowed violence years ago. The group's offshoots include the Palestinian militant group Hamas.
May 1, 2011
During an emotional and teary news conference, Toshiso Kosako, a professor at the University of Tokyo, announced his resignation as senior nuclear adviser to Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan.
Kosako said he could not stay on while the government set inappropriate radiation limits for elementary schools near the plant. “I cannot allow this as a scholar,” he said, adding that he is also opposed the government raising the limit for radiation exposure for workers at the plant, according to the CBC.
Japanese authorities have set a 20-millisievert limit for radiation exposure as safe. Kosako said that is 20 times too high, especially for children, who are more vulnerable to radiation than adults.
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On Saturday, Tokyo Electric Power Co., the corruption plagued utility that runs Fukushima Daiichi, revealed that the radiation exposures for two workers at the tsunami stricken plant have been found to have reached the limit of 250 millisieverts.
“I cannot help but to think [the government and other agencies] are only taking stopgap measures,” Kosako said during the news conference.
On Friday, Michio Ishikawa, the former head of the Japan Nuclear Technology Institute and a leading proponent of nuclear energy, appeared on a Japanese television program. Ishikawa said spent nuclear fuel rods at the Fukushima plant have melted down. “Right now, it’s [a] war with radiation. TEPCO’s response is horrendous,” he said, according to a translated transcript posted on a Japanese blog last week. Stock up with Fresh Food that lasts with eFoodsDirect (Ad)
Ishikawa’s comments went unreported in the West.
The Fukushima story has all but fallen off the corporate media radar screen as it concentrates on the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton and other far less significant news stories.
Tony Cartalucci
May 1, 2011 The very policy of targeted assassinations sidesteps any semblance of law, national or international. By extra-judicially executing people, proper investigations, trials, and justice itself is circumvented, diminished, and ultimately undermined as a whole. The United States in particular has become the greatest purveyor of this perversion of what used to serve as the very foundation of its own constitution and its values as a free nation.
NATO’s attack, reported on May 1, 2011, in an attempt to extra-judicially murder Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi has claimed the life of his youngest son Saif al-Arab Qaddafi, as well as several of his grandchildren. The indiscriminate nature of the attack and the killing of children illustrates in its entirety just why civilized nations have long condemned assassination attempts and the indiscriminate use of military force on non-military targets in the first place.
This latest attack is reminiscent of another targeted assassination attempt by the United States in 1986 that missed Qaddafi but managed to kill his 4 year old adopted daughter Hanna. The corporate-owned media has since played semantics suggesting Hanna was adopted posthumously, seemingly more content with the idea of the murdered 4 year old having no ties to Qaddafi.
The botched assassination attempt comes just days after several US government figures called for Qaddafi’s extra-judicial murder. While these calls are supposedly part of America’s ever expanding mission in Libya to “protect civilians,” it should be noted that according to even the US Department of Defense, no credible evidence had been produced to justify the current military operations, let alone their expansion.
While most informed readers are under no delusion as to what NATO really represents, a supranational military force carrying out a global corporate-financier agenda, even the uninformed must understand by now that NATO, between its endless occupation in Afghanistan, its provocative encirclement of Russia, and now their senseless siege of Libya, has become a global menace, removed from both the national laws that are supposed to govern the civilized use of member military forces, as well as the contrived international laws they claim they act to uphold.
When NATO isn’t butchering children or extra-legally occupying sovereign nations, it is busy encircling Russia, inviting World War III in the service of global financiers.
While people in the West may apathetically shrug off the grievous evil being perpetrated in Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan Iraq, Iran, and a growing number of other nations through the actions of the United States, UK, France and their NATO allies, they must realize that it is only a matter of time before this disregard for the very laws that govern their society will eventually be visited upon them. In many ways in America and Europe, this is already incrementally becoming a reality. Just as the world continuously turned a blind eye to Adolf Hilter and his Nazi war machine as it incrementally violated the sovereignty of both the German people and their neighbors, we stand only to embolden this expanding, reckless tyranny by remaining silent and tacitly complicit in our support of the politicians and corporations behind this dark agenda.
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We may not be able to physically stop this unfolding crime against humanity, but we surely can undermine it, day-by-day, purchase-by-purchase, by committing ourselves to a full-spectrum boycott of the corporations involved – essentially anything that is not produced locally. We can also undermine the corrupt, fiat financial machine driving this global menace by replacing our currency with physical precious metals and alternative currencies used amongst friends, families, and coalitions of local businesses. Finally, we can begin to grow our own food and support local farmers, as well as taking up trades and constructive pastime pursuits to reconnect to our roots of independence and self-sufficiency that made the West great. Stock up with Fresh Food that lasts with eFoodsDirect (Ad)
While we can easily sit idly by doing nothing, claiming that it isn’t our problem, it isn’t our grandchildren being murdered by “precision ordnance,” we must reflect on history and realize that indeed, soon it will be, most certainly and undeniably. We can choose to stand up to this now, or we can experience first-hand tomorrow the bitter agony of loss, death, and destruction that is consuming Libya’s population, as it has Iraq, Afghanistan, and the myriad of nations past and present to feel the sting of repressive global spanning tyranny. Tony Cartalucci’s articles have appeared on many alternative media websites, including his own at Land Destroyer Report.
Kurt Nimmo and Alex Jones
May 1, 2011 CNN and the corporate media report this evening that purported CIA asset Osama bin Laden has been killed by the U.S. military in a mansion outside the Pakistani capital of Islamabad along with other family members.
In an address to the nation, Obama said he ordered the strike that allegedly killed Osama. The remainder of his speech followed the standard war on terror propaganda script.
A small team of Americans killed bin Laden in a firefight at a compound in Pakistan, the president said in a dramatic late-night statement at the White House, the Associated Press reported following Obama’s address.
Obama said the military took custody of his remains. It remains to be seen if the government will attempt to provide evidence that the remains are indeed those of Osama bin Laden.
“The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done,” said former president Bush. In 2006, Bush admitted that capturing Osama was not a top priority.
In February, 2004, Iranian state radio claimed Osama bin Laden had been captured in Pakistan’s border region with Afghanistan “a long time ago.” Pentagon and Pakistani officials denied the report. “Osama bin Laden has been arrested a long time ago, but Bush is intending to use it for propaganda maneuvering in the presidential election,” the radio report said.
Osama bin Laden died of kidney failure soon after the September 11, 2001, attacks. In 2002, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said bin Laden had kidney disease, and that he had required a dialysis machine when he lived in Afghanistan. That same year, the FBI’s top counterterrorism official, Dale Watson, said, “I personally think he is probably not with us anymore.”
A Taliban leader told the Pakistan Observer on December 21, 2002, that Bin Laden was suffering from a serious lung complication and died in mid-December, in the vicinity of the Tora Bora mountains. The source claimed that bin Laden was laid to rest honorably in his last abode and his grave was made as per his Wahabi belief, according to Fox News.
Alex Jones was told live on the radio in 2002 by high-level Council on Foreign Relations members that Osama Bin Laden had died of kidney failure in early 2002.
“I have it from high level [sources] from inside the Bush administration…that bin Laden died of natural causes and that his family has given the body to the CIA, that they’re gonna roll him out right before the election, that he’s on ice right now. They will claim they killed him right before the election,” Alex said at the time.
“Jones gave a caution that the intelligence could be disinformation but claimed that his base in Austin was extremely close to the Bush administration and similar information received in the past had been credible,” Paul Joseph Watson wrote in August of 2002.
During the 2004 election, CNN reported that Democratic insiders had been told that George W. Bush was going to use the Bin Laden body as an ace-in-the-hole if he thought he was in danger of losing the 2004 election. This confirmed the evidence that Jones had been given by the CFR and others.
In 2003, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told Fox News Channel analyst Morton Kondracke she suspected Bush knew the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden and was waiting for the most politically expedient moment to announce his capture.
Obama’s announcement follows the release of a highly suspicious birth certificate last week. Both events represent psychological operations that possibly portend more significant events in the days ahead as the U.S. dollar continues to lose its reserve status, the economy fails to recover as promised, and wars expand in Libya, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.
Obama’s propaganda stunt arrives as the Democrats kick off their leader’s presidential reelection bid against a number of Republicans contenders who have been highly critical of not only his perceived handling of the economy, but also his management of the manufactured war on terror.
Butler Shaffer LewRockwell.com
May 2, 2011
With Pres. Obama’s popularity continuing to decline in the face of the Middle East wars, enduring downturns in the health of the economy and the dollar, accelerated upturns in gasoline prices, and other evidence that our centrally directed society is in collapse, some good news was badly needed by our political masters. Where can such encouragement be found in the real world? Hmmm. Despite the fact that news reports from 2001 informed us that Osama bin Laden had died of lung ailments, we have been told that his death was just now brought about by U.S. government operatives. We will soon be shown bin Laden’s remains — as was done with Saddam Hussein — to prove the point, right? No? Why not? Oh, his body was quickly buried at sea. Is Boobus going to buy into this story, just as he did the government’s assertion that bin Laden masterminded the 9/11 attacks? Perhaps bin Laden was the architect of the 9/11 atrocities, and perhaps U.S. operatives did kill this man, as President Obama reports, but how would we know? We ought to heed the words of the late George Carlin, to “never believe anything the government tells me!”
The mainstream media is doing its assigned job of propagandizing the government’s line on this. You will hear no disquieting questions asked. As Noam Chomsky reminds us, it is not the media’s role to raise questions that might cast doubts on government policies.
As Americans become increasingly disenchanted with governmental performance, President Obama prefaced his Sunday night remarks with these words: “Let’s bring back the sense of unity that existed on 9/11.” The next morning, CNN’s Carol Costello chirped her lines: “Americans are united again.” How about that! Wouldn’t it be nice if we just had bin Laden’s body to offer to the public as evidence supporting Obama’s claim. But, darn, someone immediately disposed of his remains, and at sea, no less, where recovery would be impossible!
Perhaps Obama can find a modern equivalent of the Coroner in The Wizard of Oz who, following the death of the Wicked Witch of the East, intoned: “As Coroner I must aver, I thoroughly examined her, and she’s not only merely dead, she’s really most sincerely dead.” There must be someone at the CIA or NSA who could play the part!
Kurt Nimmo
May 2, 2011
As expected, the unverified assassination of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan has led to increased police state activity in the United States.
On Monday, the NYPD flooded the city’s subway system with additional cops. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, “out of an abundance of caution,” said it has added more police at airports, the George Washington Bridge and ground zero, according to NBC New York.
An influx of storm troopers were apparent to riders on the Metropolitan Area Transit Authority in the nation’s capitol. Transit police, along with other law enforcement in the area, have increased security “as a precautionary measure related to the death of bin Laden,” according to Metro spokeswoman Lisa Farbstein.
District of Columbia Mayor Vincent Gray urged people in and around the nation’s capital to “pay more attention than they normally do” and “just be vigilant at this stage.”
Amtrak has dispatched canine teams and squads of officers trained to detect the presence of fumes left behind after someone passes through with an explosive device, the San Francisco Chronicle reports this morning.
In Los Angeles, police have begun increasing patrols of religious institutions and other potential terrorist targets, according to Politico. “We are somewhat concerned about any retaliation because of his [bin Laden’s] death,” Deputy Police Chief Mike Downing said on Sunday night.
The government insists the unverified assassination will increase terror attacks and it must redouble its efforts against al-Qaeda, the terror group named after the Mujahideen database.
Secretary of State Clinton declared that the “battle to stop al-Qaeda and its syndicate of terror” is not over and said the U.S. would continue to boost its counterterrorism cooperation with other nations, including Pakistan, USA Today reports.
Rep. Pete King, head of the House Homeland Security Committee, said on Monday that al-Qaeda will “try to avenge this death” and warned “we’ll have to be on full alert.”
In other words, the wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and now Libya will continue while at home the threat of al-Qaeda retaliation will be used to expand Gestapo zones from airports to the streets and beyond.
If another false flag event is accomplished, the urgency to impose a police state and completely destroy the Bill of Rights and any remaining vestige of liberty will reach a fever pitch with throngs of blood-thirsty citizens calling hysterically for totalitarian rule in America.
Niamh Marnell NaturalNews
May 1, 2011
Apple’s iPhone and iPad have been tracking the locations of users in a hidden file, according to The New York Times (http://nyti.ms/eTvBSm). Computer programmers, Alasdair Allan and Pete Warden, presented their findings last week at the O’Reilly Where 2.0 technology conference in San Francisco. Their research showed the iPhone and 3G iPads have been logging the location data for the past year after a software update installed a new hidden file on the mobile devices.
The location and time, which are tracked through cell phone towers and Wi-Fi networks and stored on the devices, are copied over to users’ hard drives when the devices are synced with a computer, the programmers said.
Apple stayed silent on the issue for a week until Google, which was also found to have a tracking program on phones that use its Android system, responded with a statement that the information collected was anonymous. Apple then followed in kind, mirroring Google’s anonymity claims, according to a recent USA Todayarticle (http://usat.ly/l7TNXu).
“It doesn’t matter how Apple explains its way out of this,” said Chenxi Wang, a vice president of Forrester Research who specializes in security and risk. “Just the fact that consumers know that their phone is being tracked is a very big deal.”
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Apple should allow customers to opt out of being tracked, said Ian Glazer, director of Gartner Research identity and privacy group.
“There is no way to really turn this tracking off,” he said. “It needs to be visually obvious, or in the settings, to see that this is happening on your phone.”
A blog post by Allan raised the issue of “how Apple intends to use [the information] — or not.” Is Apple gaining access to the information in any way? And why it is being stored at all?
Apple claims it is creating a database of cell towers and Wi-Fi hot spots that users have used, which can then help phones better orient to a signal when GPS signals are sketchy or unavailable. Stock up with Fresh Food that lasts with eFoodsDirect (Ad)
Apple’s purported purpose clearly did not require the data to be stored for long periods of time, and Apple has since reduced the storage time to seven days. Google always had a shorter time period for the data stored on its Android phones.
Google and Apple have agreed to testify before a Congressional committee May 10, according to the Hindustan Times (http://bit.ly/iwu0Et), about consumer privacy issues related to mobile technologies. Apple also faces possible action by data protection regulators in the European Union, according to Bloomberg (http://bloom.bg/kUFtD1).
Kurt Nimmo
May 2, 2011
If the cheering crowd at midnight outside the White House is any indication, the American people are ready to support more mass murder in the Middle East.
The supposed hit on Osama – without shred of evidence short of an image badly mangled in Photoshop that was debunked in short order like Obama’s birth certificate – will be used to reinvigorate the war on terror precisely at a time when new enemies are being manufactured in Africa.
Osama’s unverified assassination arrives on the heels of large protests in Pakistan over the CIA’s illegal drone attacks. More than a week ago, activists in Pakistan managed to blockade supplies headed to U.S. occupation forces in Afghanistan.
The Pakistani government has publicly condemned the drone strikes as undermining its sovereignty. Earlier this month, the country lodged a formal complaint with Washington over the use of CIA-run Predator drones.
The U.S. announced it plans to expand the war to Syria when Obama released an executive order to enforce new and more stringent sanctions against the Arab country and appealed to European North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies to do likewise.
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Following Obama’s unconstitutional order, NATO and the U.S. murdered Gaddafi’s youngest son and three of his grandchildren. They also bombed a school for disabled children.
In addition to providing additional momentum for the flagging war on terror, the staged assassination of a terrorist with ties to the CIA who died almost ten years ago serves to distract the easily distracted masses away from serious economic dangers, most notably the engineered fall of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and the related escalation of gas, food and commodity prices. Stock up with Fresh Food that lasts with eFoodsDirect (Ad)
It is not certain if the government will use this unverified and unverifiable assassination – now that we are told Osama was buried at sea – as a pretext to engage in a false flag attack to further boost the wars and occupations abroad and expand the police state at home.
If the throng of chortling murder worshippers outside the White House last night is any indication of larger sentiment around the country in the wake of this fake assassination, it will not take much for the government to convince the people to support more mass murder in foreign lands and the continued debasement and destruction of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Related: Media Runs Fake Photo To Illustrate Bin Laden Death Propaganda
Paul Joseph Watson
May 2, 2011
A multitude of different inside sources both publicly and privately, including one individual who personally worked with Bin Laden at one time, told us directly that Osama’s dead corpse has been on ice for nearly a decade and that his “death” would only be announced at the most politically expedient time.
That time has now come with a years-old fake picture being presented as the only evidence of his alleged killing yesterday, while Bin Laden’s body has been hastily dumped into the sea to prevent anyone from finding out when he actually died.
In April 2002, over nine years ago, Council on Foreign Relations member Steve R. Pieczenik, who served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, and James Bake, told the Alex Jones Show that Bin Laden had already been “dead for months”.
Pieczenik would be in a position to know such information, having worked directly with Bin Laden when the US was funding and arming the terror leader in an attempt to drive the Soviets out of Afghanistan in the late 70′s and early 80′s (a documented historical fact that talking heads in the corporate media are actually denying today in light of developments).
“I found out through my sources that he had had kidney disease. And as a physician, I knew that he had to have two dialysis machines and he was dying,” Pieczenik told Jones during the April 24, 2002 interview.
“And you could see those in those films, those made-up photos that they were sending us out of nowhere. I mean, suddenly, we would see a video of bin Laden today and then out of nowhere, they said oh it was sent to us anonymously, meaning that someone in the government, our government, was trying to keep up the morale on our side and say oh we still have to chase this guy when, in fact, he’s been dead for months,” added Pieczenik.
Pieczenik then stated that the video tape of a fat Bin Laden look alike “taking responsibility” for 9/11 that was released in December 2001 was “such a hoax” designed to “manipulate” people in the emotional aftermath of 9/11.
The subsequent war in Afghanistan that followed 9/11 was orchestrated “With the agreement of the bin Laden family, knowing fully well that he would die,” said Pieczenik. “And I think that Musharraf, the President of Pakistan, spilled the beans by accident three months ago when he said that bin Laden was dead because his kidney dialysis machines were destroyed in East Afghanistan.”
In addition to Pieczenik, as we reported in August 2002, Alex Jones was separately told by a high level Republican source that Bin Laden was dead and that his body was being kept “on ice” until Osama’s death could be announced at the most “politically expedient” time.
When Jones asked the source if his claim was mere speculation or whether it was actually true, the source re-iterated the fact that he was being deadly serious and that Bin Laden’s corpse was “physically on ice” waiting to be rolled out for public consumption at the most opportune moment.
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Many expected that moment to be right before the 2004 election, but after Democrats began speculating about the possibility, Republicans settled instead for a fake Osama video tape that was released on the eve of the election and, according to both George W. Bush and John Kerry, was the deciding factor in a closely-fought contest. Veteran news reader Walter Cronkite labeled the entire farce a Karl Rove-orchestrated “set-up”.
In addition to these sources, a deluge of other heads of state as well as intelligence agency professionals have gone on record over the past nine years to state their belief that Bin Laden was likely dead, after it became clear that the Al-Qaeda leader’s health was in severe decline as a result of kidney disease at the end of 2001. These include;
- Former CIA officer and hugely respected intelligence & foreign policy expert Robert Baer, who in 2008 when asked about Bin Laden by a radio host responded, “Of course he is dead.”
- On December 26, 2001, Fox News, citing a Pakistan Observer story, reported that the Afghan Taliban had pronounced Bin Laden dead and buried him in an unmarked grave.
- On January 18, 2002, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf announced: “I think now, frankly, he is dead.”
- On July 17, 2002, the then-head of counterterrorism at the FBI, Dale Watson, told a conference of law enforcement officials that “I personally think he [Bin Laden] is probably not with us anymore.”
- In October 2002, Afghan President Hamid Karzai told CNN that “I would come to believe that [Bin Laden] probably is dead.
- In 2003, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told Fox News Channel analyst Morton Kondracke she suspected Bush knew the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden and was waiting for the most politically expedient moment to announce his capture.
- In November 2005, Senator Harry Reid revealed that he was told Osama may have died in the Pakistani earthquake of October that year.
- In February 2007, Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University’s Religious Studies program, stated that the purported video and audio tapes that were being released of Bin Laden were fake and that he was probably dead.
- On November 2, 2007, former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto told Al-Jazeera’s David Frost that Omar Sheikh had killed Osama Bin Laden.
- In March 2009, former US foreign intelligence officer and professor of international relations at Boston University Angelo Codevilla stated: “All the evidence suggests Elvis Presley is more alive today than Osama Bin Laden.”
- In May 2009, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari confirmed that his “counterparts in the American intelligence agencies” hadn’t heard anything from Bin Laden in seven years and confirmed “I don’t think he’s alive.”
In a way, the establishment had their hand forced in having to announce the death of someone whose shadowy existence had proven very useful to them in maintaining fear and uncertainty amongst the population of America and the world. Stock up with Fresh Food that lasts with eFoodsDirect (Ad)
The fact that the myth behind Al-Qaeda has been completely demolished and that the group, through a myriad of revelations, including Anwar Al-Alawki’s post-9/11 visit to the Pentagon, is now widely known to be a US intelligence front, perhaps now means that Al-Qaeda will be swept under the rug and a new enemy will be invented in order to legitimize the continued US military-complex domination of the globe.
H/T: James Corbett – Osama Bin Laden Pronounced Dead… For the Ninth Time
— Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.
Steven Aftergood Secrecy News
April 30, 2011
A grand jury has been empaneled in the Eastern District of Virginia to investigate a possible violation of the Espionage Act involving the computer-based acquisition of protected government information concerning national defense or foreign relations. In other words, the Grand Jury seems to be investigating WikiLeaks.
Glenn Greenwald of Salon.com reported that a summons to appear before the Grand Jury on May 11 was served on an unidentified recipient in Cambridge, MA. He also posted a copy of the document. See “FBI serves Grand Jury subpoena likely relating to WikiLeaks,” April 27.
The initial hurdle to any possible prosecution of WikiLeaks is to identify a specific crime that it may have committed.
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The subpoena suggests that the path chosen by prosecutors (as predicted) is to allege a conspiracy to violate the Espionage Act under 18 USC 793(g). But like much of the Espionage Act, the practical meaning of this statute is quite unclear. So is its application here, beyond the bare implication that WikiLeaks instigated the unlawful transfer of information in a manner that is not protected by freedom of the press.
As things stand, everyone agrees that information gained by committing a crime is not protected by the First Amendment. One cannot expect to break into a building to steal documents and publish them, and then invoke freedom of the press. Stock up with Fresh Food that lasts with eFoodsDirect (Ad)
But what constitutes a crime? Is it asking a question about a topic that one knows to be classified? Buying someone lunch in the hope that he may divulge closely held information? Indicating a willingness and a capacity to receive unauthorized disclosures confidentially? These would hardly seem to qualify as criminal acts since they are ordinary conventions of national security reporting.
What makes this case both important and dangerous is that by pursuing this line of attack, the reported Grand Jury investigation of WikiLeaks may “clarify” such speculative matters, thereby generating new limitations on freedom of the press.
Ever since PlanetChrisley.com abandoned its post as the world's first music social network to become an alternative media vehicle, The Planet Network has been riddled with moving its site content from one service to another often losing members and content in the process. Planet Chrisley has been around since August of 2001 and has maintained one undeniable factor: unstoppable. Planet Chrisley plans to continue its patriotic march against the elite and maintain an integrity in journalism no longer taught in Universities as parent companies FlashKore Systems and Imperial Alliance are far from scrapping it. The Planet Chrisley toolbar (available for download here) will serve as a permanent platform for all things concerning The Planet Network and its partners. The toolbar "Planet Navigator" is scheduled for many exciting updates as the ROCK MY BLOG platform continues its march today with its new blogs.
The mastermind of the 9/11 attacks warned that al-Qaeda has hidden a nuclear bomb in Europe which will unleash a "nuclear hellstorm" if Osama bin Laden is captured, leaked files revealed.
The terror group also planned to make a 9/11 style attack on London's Heathrow airport by crashing a hijacked airliner into one of the terminals, the files showed.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed told Guantanamo Bay interrogators the terror group would detonate the nuclear device if the al-Qaeda chief was captured or killed, according to the classified files released by the WikiLeaks website.
Sheikh Mohammed, the self-professed mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, has been held at Guantanamo since 2006 and is to be tried in a military court at the US naval base on Cuba over the attacks.
His nuclear threat was revealed in Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper, one of several media outlets which have published the classified assessments of detainees at Guantanamo.
The German weekly Der Spiegel, also citing WikiLeaks, said that Sheikh Mohammed had told his interrogators he had set up two cells for the purpose of attacking Heathrow in 2002.
The aim was to seize control of an airliner shortly after take-off from Heathrow, one of the world's busiest airports, turn it around and crash it into one of the four terminals.
Sheikh Mohammed said one cell had been formed with the aim of taking flying lessons in Kenya, while the other had been tasked with recruiting participants.
He said the plot had been discussed several times at the highest level of al-Qaeda. One component had involved the infiltration of ground staff at the airport, according to Der Spiegel.
Another attack given the green light in late 2001 would have targeted "the tallest buildings in California" with hijacked airliners, Der Spiegel reported.
The attackers would have gained access to the airliner cockpits by setting off small bombs hidden in their shoes, it said.
Sheikh Mohammed, captured in 2003 in Pakistan, also claims to have personally beheaded US journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002 with his "blessed right hand" and to have helped in the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing that killed six people.
Der Spiegel noted that his "confessions" should have be treated with caution as they could have been extracted through torture. Sheikh Mohammed is known to have undergone the method known as "waterboarding".
Former US president George W. Bush claimed in his memoirs published last year that using the interrogation technique - which simulates drowning - helped prevent planned attacks on Heathrow and London's Canary Wharf business district.
He also told the London Times newspaper in November that it was "damn right" that he had authorised use of the method on Sheikh Mohammed.
Steve Watson
May 2, 2011
The London Guardian has suggested that the fake image used by several British mainstream media websites this morning on their front pages was the work of “conspiracy theorists” who claimed it was genuine. The Guardian notes that the image was used by the Mail, Times, Telegraph, Sun and Mirror websites, who picked it up from an online news site. The image was removed by the newspapers after it became apparent that it was a fake that had been online for over two years.
“Since then, however, the image has been claimed as genuine on a number of conspiracy forums and used to substantiate claims that the terrorist responsible for the 9/11 bombings had been killed.” Guardian writer Amelia Hill states.
Hill provides no link to the forums she is referring to, or the “conspiracy theorists” that suggested it was genuine. The Guardian’s live blog speculated whether the image was real when it was first used this morning, where as this website, Prisonplanet.com, the “conspiracy theorists”, immediately reported it to be completely fake.
Indeed, after we reported it was fake, the news spread like wildfire on Twitter and led directly to the removal of the image by all the mainstream sources that had used it.
A d v e r t i s e m e n t
The image is a crude photoshop composite of two different images. The composite has been used in several articles over the past two years, the very purpose of many of which was to highlight the fact that multiple experts and credible figures were on record as believing Bin Laden to be already long dead.
This sorry saga once again demonstrates how the corporate dinosaur media has been completely surpassed by the alternative media and the new social media.
Meanwhile, the U.S. government says they have pictures of Bin Laden’s body and are considering whether and when to release them. According to The Los Angeles Times: Stock up with Fresh Food that lasts with eFoodsDirect (Ad)
During the operation, a photo of his face was transmitted to analysts, who confirmed the identification.
According to Pentagon officials, photos of Bin Laden’s dead face do exist but those widely distributed on the Internet are fake. At some point, if only to convince die-hard Bin Laden followers, officials are expected to release a corpse photo, as has been done in the past when famous villains such as Che Guevara and Iraqi President Saddam Hussein were killed or captured. Additionally, such special ops are typically videotaped by mini-helmet cams to document a sensitive mission and assist in debriefing and future training.
— Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’ Infowars.net, and Prisonplanet.com. He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.