Saman Mohammadi
June 9, 2011
It is that time of the year again, when the Bilderberg group meet to commit treason against humanity, democracy, and freedom. These Wolves of the West are converging to discuss just about everything related to your world such as how to manage the global economy, who to select to head the IMF, whether to raise gas prices or not, what to do with Greece and other collapsing EU nations, and if a world war should be started this year or the next.
If the Western plutocratic elite had a Mount Olympus, Bilderberg would be it. This year they are meeting in St. Moritz, Switzerland from June 9 – June 12.
Amongst their ranks are various banking chiefs, corporate CEOs, heads of states, finance ministers, newspaper editors, aspiring political leaders, intellectuals, all of whom believe a global dictatorship is better suited to meet many of the world’s current challenges and crises than democratic governments.
What sets them apart from you and I is they have mega-wealth and mega-power, and also a complete disdain for the masses of the world. They like to play god with nations and influence world events to their favor because they believe they have a monopoly in wisdom. What they care about is not saving the planet and helping people, but gaining more power to control humanity and history.
Top Bilderberg conspirators are full-blown sociopaths and parasites like Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller who believe people deserve to be treated like slaves. If it was up to them they would get rid of billions of human beings on this planet to make managing the world a little bit easier for them. They also want to do away completely with Western democracies, the social safety net, and turn Western nations into large urban ghettos, similar to third world nations.
Good works are done in the open, and in front of public scrutiny. Evil is done in the dark. That is why Bilderberg attendees are very camera shy. Like vampires, they hate the light. Public attention means death to their treason and war against democracy and freedom. They’re scared that people will find out that they are part of a treasonous global agenda to manipulate mass opinion, and implement a global totalitarian state in order to rule the world.
If they fail they will be prosecuted and hanged for crimes against democracy, crimes against humanity, and crimes against the peace. If they succeed they will gain the world and be the keepers of mankind’s destiny as we enter a new era for our species.
“Power,” said Samuel P. Huntington, “remains strong when it remains in the dark; exposed to the sunlight it begins to evaporate.” For decades the Bilderberg vampires made public policy and instituted grand designs for Europe and North America from behind the scenes. The European Union was their pet project in the 1950s. But now, thanks to a new generation of journalists and global activists, their days in the dark are coming to an end.
Many years ago, veteran reporter Jim Tucker was alone in the struggle to expose the Bilderberg conspirators and document their abuse of power. He is still on the scene today. On Monday he spoke with Alex Jones about what the Bilderberg are planning to do with their power in the months and years ahead.
Ending world poverty is not on the Bilderberg’s corrupt agenda. Eradicating disease is not one of their policy goals. Peace in the Middle East is not in the interest of Bilderberg traitors. They want global chaos, wars, economic depressions, mayhem, and mega destruction on the planet.
These freaks gain power and wealth by profiting off of the suffering of others. They do not care about human happiness or using their power and authority to raise people above poverty. War is good business for them. Peace means declining profits and less power. So this Western power elite does everything in its power to create and increase tensions between nations instead of bringing together heads of states to brainstorm peaceful and just solutions to wars.
Once they generate global chaos and create global crises such as new wars their political lackeys who operate on the ground level sell their “high-minded” solutions to the people. These solutions are anti-freedom in nature and benefit only them and their monopolies, such as a global dictatorial government and a global currency.
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Time will tell if the Bilderberg’s global empire of hell and slavery will become a historical reality. There is mounting resistance coming from below all across the world. For the first time in its history the Bilderberg conference is being reported in the mainstream press. Their epic treason against mankind is no longer going unnoticed.
Either sunlight and death awaits the Bilderberg vampires, or this evil clan of war profiteers, criminal banksters, power mongers and charlatans will achieve total power and total control over humanity.
To learn more about the Bilderberg conspirators and this year’s conference in Switzerland, read the following articles:
Breaking: Secret Bilderberg Agenda Leaked by Mole
Alex Jones Calls For Global Bilderberg Protest
Bilderbergers May Give Green Light to Mexican Central Banker as New IMF Boss
Exclusive Reportage Live from Switzerland on the Bilderbergers
Charlie Skelton – Bilderberg 2011: The polished blue line
This article first appeared on Saman Mohammadi’s blog, The Excavator