Saturday, May 7, 2011

Assange calls Facebook "spying machine"

Cindy Sheehan: If You Believe The Newest Death Of Osama Bin Laden YOU’RE STUPID!

May 7, 2011
Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan weighs in on the Bin Laden facade.

US kills eight in Pakistan drone attack

Farhan Bokhari
Financial Times
May 7, 2011
The US has risked infuriating Pakistan’s military by launching a drone attack in North Waziristan, on Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan, killing eight suspected militants.
The missile attack on Friday is the first since the shooting of Osama bin Laden in a US helicopter-borne raid on his refuge in a garrison city, 50km from Islamabad, earlier this week.
A renewed US assault on Pakistani territory comes hours after Pakistan’s top commanders warned that they would not tolerate a repeat attack by the US. Their terse public reaction to bin Laden’s killing also called for a reduction in the number of US military personnel in Pakistan.
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More Fake Photos Emerge In Bin Laden Farce

May 7, 2011
Check out the bad photoshopping on this supposed image of Bin Laden’s wife’s passport. The face seems to be an overlay as well and not part of the actual image of the passport.
More Fake Photos Emerge In Bin Laden Farce article 0 0BE8183200000578 439 634x542
More Fake Photos Emerge In Bin Laden Farce passportfakeosamawife
Close up image of the sloppy photoshop work:
More Fake Photos Emerge In Bin Laden Farce fingerdetailpassportfakeosamawife
The photo appears in the following article

Alternative Media Rankings Surge After bin Laden Assassination Spectacle

Activist Post
May 7, 2011
A story like the assassination of “public enemy #1″ is naturally going to drive people toward all news sources.  However, we in the alternative news media have been particularly busy since the announcement late Sunday night, as indicated by Alexa website rankings.
For those of us covering the government and mainstream media lies, distortions, and pure propaganda, it has been nearly overwhelming to attend to every facet of this professional wrestling-style spectacle.  As a result, traffic to alternative news sites has surged dramatically.  This is very encouraging, as it indicates that people are not immediately rushing only to the comfort and security of the official story, which is largely framed by appeals to emotion — rather, people appear to be hungry for facts.  Given that alternative media generally does not have even a fraction of the budget of corporate media, the ranking increases are doubly satisfying.  We are honored to be included with the true news sources below as a reliable indicator of the search for truth and justice amid the miasma of the current official coverage of the bin Laden Assassination Show being peddled for obviously corporate and political reasons.
Alternative News 7-day change according to Alexa; listed in order of overall ranking:
Drudge Report –  Rank: 342  Change: 48
Infowars — Rank: 1,095 Change: 737
Prison Planet –  Rank: 2,989  Change: 2,056
* We realize that there are many great sites and blogs, news aggregators such as Before It’s News, Rumormill News, Blacklisted News, Stan Deyo and Steve Quayle,  and YouTubers like Charlie McGrath from Wide Awake News and James Corbett from The Corbett Report that we omitted, due principally to the lack of available 7-day data.  We also chose to focus on those sites with original commentary that covered the bin Laden debacle in depth, as opposed to the many great cross-over sites from the health field such as Natural News and Food Freedom that have supported many other areas of alternative news.  Nearly all hardworking alternative media has increased across the board.
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Al Jazeera Releases New Footage From Inside Bin Laden’s Compound

Al Jazeera
May 7, 2011
Al Jazeera has obtained new footage of Bin Laden’s compound from shortly after the raid.
Brighter than other interior footage we’ve seen, this video shows blood and rubble throughout the house. As noted in other videos, there are no weapons.
The video also shows Bin Laden’s vegetable garden and other clues to his daily life.

More Propaganda: Was Bin Laden betrayed by his right-hand man?

Osama Bin Laden's deputy led U.S. troops to the Al Qaeda leader's hideout so he could take over the terrorist group, it was claimed today.
Egyptian Ayman Al Zawahiri, who has been touted widely as the man who will succeed Bin Laden as the head of Al Qaeda, turned his back on his terrorist leader following a prolonged power struggle, according to a Saudi newspaper.
The plot to get rid of Bin Laden began when Zawahiri’s faction persuaded bin Laden to leave the protection of the tribal areas along the Afghan-Pakistan border.
Power struggle: This photograph from October 2001, one month after 9/11, shows Osama Bin Laden alongside his top lieutenant, Egyptian Ayman Al Zawahiri
Power struggle: This photograph from October 2001, one month after 9/11, shows Osama Bin Laden alongside his top lieutenant, Egyptian Ayman Al Zawahiri
Instead, they convinced him to set up home in Abbottabad, where he was finally killed by U.S. Navy SEALS earlier this week, a regional source told the Al-Watan newspaper.
Zawahiri's Egyptian ally Saif Al Adel is said to have moved to Pakistan last autumn as Al Qaeda's 'chief of staff' after a period of house arrest in Iran.
With his return, Al Qaeda's Egyptian faction then hatched a plan to dispose of Saudi-born Bin Laden after irresolvable divisions developed between the terrorist group's top two men. 
Judas? Al Qaeda's number two Ayman Al Zawahiri is said to have tipped off U.S. troops about the whereabouts of Bin Laden
Judas? Al Qaeda's number two Ayman Al Zawahiri is said to have tipped off U.S. troops about the whereabouts of Bin Laden
'The Egyptian faction of Al Qaeda is defacto running the organisation now and since he was taken ill in 2004 they have been trying to take full control,' the paper wrote on Thursday.
The courier who led U.S. forces to Bin Laden was a Pakistani national working for Zawahiri, according to the source.
The man is said to have known he was being followed by American troops and to have intentionally led them to their target.
Zawahiri met Bin Laden in the mid-1980s and they have since became the closest of allies, with analysts describing Zawahri as Al Qaeda's chief organiser and bin Laden's closest mentor.
Compound: The walled lair where Osama Bin Laden was killed in Abbottabad, Pakistan
Compound: The walled lair where Osama Bin Laden was killed in Abbottabad, Pakistan
Scene: The bloodied room inside the compound where Bin Laden was killed by U.S. troops in Abbottabad, Pakistan
Scene: The bloodied room inside the compound where Bin Laden was killed by U.S. troops in Abbottabad, Pakistan
As the terror group's number two, he has at times been Al Qaeda's most public face, often seen denouncing the United States and its allies in video messages

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1384358/Osama-Bin-Laden-dead-Al-Qaeda-power-struggle-led-Zawahiri-turn-leader.html#ixzz1Lh0hkRJs

Red Alert: Help Stop False Flag Terror

May 6, 2011
Alex Jones calls in to warn about the potential for another false flag attack, urging listeners to activate, call the White House and try to stop the attack. Counter-terrorism expert Dr. Steve Pieczenik concurs with Alex’s outlook and urges the good men and women inside the system to say no to this shameful and dangerous tactic.
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