Thursday, June 2, 2011

QE3 and the Globalist Plan to Destroy the Dollar

Kurt Nimmo
June 2, 2011
Mohamed El-Erian, chief executive officer at Pacific Investment Management Co., told Bloomberg today the Fed’s quantitative easing policy failed to meet the “ultimate objective” of boosting employment and economic growth.
Pimco is the world’s biggest manager of bond funds. Under QE2′s bond-purchase program, investors are doing fine with higher-yielding assets in the rigged stock market casino – QE2 pushed the S&P up 9 percent – but as usual the little guy on Main Street continues to lose his socks.

Ron Paul on why the economy is not in a recovery, as the government insists.
“If success is defined in terms of the ultimate objective, which is pushing up valuation in order for people to spend more on goods and services and therefore get the economy to grow and unemployment to come down rapidly, then the answer is no,” El- Erian said.
It is not explained how loaning astronomical amounts of fiat currency to a spendthrift government will correct an economic imbalance engineered by the Federal Reserve and the bankers in the first place. Moderate estimates put the current budget deficit at $1.4 trillion – 10% of America’s GDP. It should be obvious by now this policy smells of ultimate (and deliberate) ruination, and sooner before later.
Of course, the Fed is not a blind elephant mindlessly thrashing about in a china shop, ineptly taking out the foundations of the United States economy. There is a methodical rhyme and reason behind what appears to be inept policies consistently in failure mode and making things worse.
Obama’s record deficit spending – and gargantuan loans provided to cover the tab – is central to a concerted effort to undermine the dollar and reduce its status as the world’s reserve currency.
But not to fear. Our rulers and their banker masters have a plan to save the world. It’s called a “global currency” and it was proposed back in 2009 just as the banker engineered financial crisis was gaining steam and Congress was cobbling together a plan to “save” the economy that was in fact a pig with lipstick plan to create more debt and thus enslave your children and their children.
UN and IMF propose the SDR, a one world currency.
Financial crises are now scientifically created, as Congressman Charles Lindbergh noted after the Federal Reserve was established in 1913.
Globalist kingpin George Soros was not joking around when he said the bankers are working toward a “managed decline” of the U.S. dollar in order to usher in a New World Order (his words, not mine).
Soros’ version of managed decline is all over QE2. But the scheme didn’t finish the job, so now we’re going to get QE 3 – and 4 and 5, ad nauseam, until the U.S. economy topples over like a house of cards.
QE2 and its euphemistic ancestor and siblings are nothing more than a suit of news clothes for an age-old bankster trick – expanding the money supply to create booms and subsequent busts that take down national economies.
More than 40 years ago, economist Milton Friedman and Anna Jacobson Schwartz demonstrated how the Federal Reserve’s monetary policies were to blame for the depth and severity of the Great Depression.
In 2002 Ben Bernanke, before his gig as director of the Fed, made a remarkable (for its candor) admission in a speech given in honor of Friedman’s 90th birthday: “I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression, you’re right. We did it. We’re very sorry.”
Problem is, they are not sorry. Bernanke is, of course, little more than a grocery clerk for the global elite and the bankers behind the scenes. They fully intend to take down the U.S. economy and put in its place a global monetary system – and a totalitarian control system. The IMF has already announced it plans to create a global currency.
Honest money managers are others in the financial “services” industry know what’s coming down the pike. They are now warning us about the horror to come. “Interest rates are amazingly low and that, thanks to Ben Bernanke, is driving everything,” Peter Yastrow, market strategist for Yastrow Origer, told CNBC yesterday. “We’re on the verge of a great, great depression. The [Federal Reserve] knows it.
The Fed not only knows it. The Fed planned it.
  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Low interest rates are a tool for expanding a money supply that invariably leads to irresponsible lending and speculative borrowing of the sort that got us into the mess we are now in.
Occasionally the corporate media gets it right. For instance, in early 2008 as the sub-prime induced depression began picking up steam, The Economist reported that, based on the characteristics of the unfolding financial crisis, the U.S. was entering a depression, not a recession.
Meanwhile, the rest of the corporate media either ignored the signs or peddled Obama’s assertion that we were actually in a recovery.
The article, however, quotes economists who say confidently that a repeat of the 1930s is impossible “because policymakers are unlikely to repeat the mistakes of the past.” The speculation, Paul Joseph Watson notes, came from the same people who predicted that “a nationwide fall in American house prices was impossible and that financial innovation had made the financial system more resilient.”
Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com have consistently reported on the faltering economy since the staged “Great Recession” officially commenced in 2008.
We have noted that the so-called housing bubble, easy credit (allegedly in response to the earlier orchestrated dot-com bubble), rampant fraud and book cooking in underwriting (specifically mortgage underwriting), an explosion in sub-prime lending, and earlier deregulation (in particular, the creation of adjustable-rate mortgage loans – custom-made weapons for default and crisis – and specifically the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act by bankster operatives in the Clinton administration that had erected a fire wall between commercial and investment banking during the last engineered depression).
“As we teeter on the brink of a full blown economic depression fueled by the excessive inflationary monetary policies of governments and the international banking cartels they operate under, the American people have turned to a man who has been masterfully presented to them as their last Hope,” Steven Watson wrote in early 2009 in a review of Alex Jones’ film, The Obama Deception.
How the sub-prime crisis was enginnered: Dan Estulin in The Obama Deception. Dan Estulin on the global plan to blow out the housing market during Bilderberg 2006, two years before the crisis went chronic.
In that film, Bilderberg sleuth Dan Estulin talked about how the elite planned the current economic crisis – using the sub-prime truncheon – during the Bilderberg meeting in 2006.
In 2009, Paul Joseph Watson reported for Prison Planet.com on Estulin’s sources revealing that the elite at the Bilderberg meeting that year planned to foster “a false picture of economic recovery, suckering investors into ploughing their money back into the stock market again only to later unleash another massive downturn.”
In May of 2010, the Dow Jones slid nearly a 1,000 points, its largest drop ever. In order to provide cover for the real culprits, the ever-compliant corporate media said the 700 point plunge was the result of computer error. During the sensational drop, CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo knew better and said “this really sounds like market manipulation to me. This is outrageous.”
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Alex Jones’ flagship websites have reported the truth from the beginning – a truth kept away from the public who are fed bread and circuses and lurid murder stories instead of real news. Since the start of the Greatest Depression now unfolding – and the corporate media attempt to portray dismal economic news as a recovery, as instructed by the Bilderbergers – traffic has increased exponentially at Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.

10 Reasons Why The “Economic Recovery” Is a Fraud

Paul Joseph Watson
June 2, 2011
10 Reasons Why The Economic Recovery Is a Fraud 020611top2
Yesterday’s so-called “horror” show for the US economy with the release of new data illustrating how the economic “recovery” has all but ground to a halt was met with feigned astonishment and shock by the establishment media, and yet for the past two years the public has been continually deceived about the true state of the financial system.
All the hot air about an “economic recovery” has served to hide the fact that the United States is slipping back into a double-dip recession, if not a second “great depression,” as market strategist Peter Yastrow told CNBC yesterday.
1) In 2009, when the media claimed the economic “recovery” had begun, oil prices averaged $54 dollars a barrel. In the 24 months since, the cost has doubled. Americans are paying more and more to fill up at the pump with Goldman Sachs predicting that gas will hit $5 dollars a gallon by summer. This figure was already reached in Washington DC two months ago. Far from representing a “recovery” this is in fact another crippling expense that many Americans people simply cannot afford.
2) The housing market has shown no “recovery” whatsoever. The collapse in US house prices “is now greater than that suffered during the Great Depression.” Prices have plunged by 33 per cent since 2007. Home ownership is at its lowest level for 20 years.
3) The collapse in home ownership has flooded the rental market, leading to massive inflation “pushing up the cost of leases across the nation’s 38 million rented residences,” reports Bloomberg. Far from enjoying a “recovery,” US citizens lucky enough not to be stuck in underwater mortgages are instead paying through the nose for rental inflation that represents a huge chunk of the overall consumer price index.
4) Food price inflation is also savaging Americans who are being browbeaten by the word “recovery” while the cost of their groceries soars to unaffordable levels, forcing them to buy cheap unhealthy GMO crap or simply go hungry. Food prices in the US are climbing at the fastest rate since the 1970′s.
  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
5) While Americans were being told to jump on the “recovery” bandwagon and spend more money to reinvigorate the economy, their median incomes were plummeting. Americans are getting poorer. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, median household income in the United States fell from $51,726 in 2008 to $50,221 in 2009 and has been flat since, even as the cost of living continues to rise.
6) While the Federal Reserve points to GDP growth as evidence of recovery, citing figures of $700 million in growth from 2008-2011, the government had to borrow and spend $5.1 trillion just to attain that level. “The Federal government borrowed and spent $5.1 trillion over the past four years to generate a cumulative $700 billion increase in the nation’s GDP. That means we’ve borrowed and spent $7.28 for every $1 of nominal “growth” in GDP,” writes Charles Hugh Smith.
7) While the establishment media and the government pretends that US unemployment numbers are on the decline, the real unemployment figure stands at over 22 per cent. An even more alarming figure shows that fewer than 46 per cent of Americans actually have jobs, with employment rates in California and Arizona hovering around 37 per cent.
8) Along with almost all paper currencies, the dollar has drastically declined in comparison to commodities like gold and silver since the so-called “recovery” began in 2009. At the bottom of the economic slump in the middle of 2009, the greenback was hovering around the $950 dollar an ounce level – it is now well above $1500 and only soaring higher. A weakening dollar reduces Americans’ buying power and makes them pay more for staple necessities like food and fuel as the cost of living skyrockets.
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9) Far from staging a “recovery,” US consumer confidence is now lower than during all the financial crises or tragedies of the last several decades. From the crash of ’87, to Enron, to 9/11, to the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008, Americans have never been so pessimistic about the economy.
10) Of course, the only people enjoying a financial “recovery” are the Wall Street bankers and the financial terrorists who pulled the plug on the economy in the first place. Since its 2009 low of 7062, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has gained by almost 6,000 points. This means little to the average American that can barely afford to put food on the table, never mind invest in the stock market.

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

New Video is a Key Weapon Against the Banking Cartel

June 2, 2011

The American Dream is a 30 minute animated film by Tad Lumpkin & Harold Uhl that shows you how you’ve been scammed by the most basic elements of our government system. All of us Americans strive for the American Dream, and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away.
Do you know how your money is created? Or how banking works? Why did housing prices skyrocket and then plunge? Do you really know what the Federal Reserve System is and how it affects you every single day? The American Dream takes an entertaining but hard hitting look at how the problems we have today are nothing new, and why leaders throughout our history have warned us and fought against the current type of financial system we have in America today. You will be challenged to investigate some very entrenched and powerful institutions in this nation, and hopefully encouraged to help get our nation back on track.
Get the DVD at the Infowars Store.

Sound technology turns the way you hear on its ear

SAN DIEGO — Rarely is an invention so unique, so visceral and so simple that in 15 seconds most people who experience it realize it could alter everyday life.
But that's what happens to just about anyone who steps out to the back parking lot of American Technology Corp. (ATC) here for a demonstration of its invention called HyperSonic Sound (HSS).
Essentially, HSS for the first time does for sound what the laser did for light — intensely focuses and channels it so it can travel great distances without dispersing. In the demo, a technician points a speaker the size of a cereal box at someone standing 100 yards away. Amid the din of the nearby freeway, the technician plays a recording of ice cubes clinking into a glass.
To the listener, the sound comes across as if it were through headphones, totally unlike a sound blaring from a distant speaker over oppressive car noise. Take two steps to the side, out of the sound beam, and you hear nothing at all. Step back in, and there it is again.
"I am certain that in time, HSS will be used everywhere," says Dionyssis Angelopoulos of Athens, Greece. He read about HSS, came to San Diego to hear it and went back to his Greek company to build it into commercial sound systems.
Though the technology is still years from becoming mainstream, HSS could be used to make laptop speakers that blare music to the person in front of the screen, while no one else could hear it. It could allow a grocery store to play audio advertisements that seem to come from, say, the display of Duracell batteries, yet the ad could be heard only by the shopper in front of the display. An HSS-equipped car could play one CD for the parents up front and another for kids in the back. Neither would hear even a whisper of the others' music.
The technology is winning believers from Wal-Mart to McDonald's, Fox television, the Los Angeles Police Department, Procter & Gamble, the U.S. Navy and Cirque de Soleil. It is looking into whether HSS could be used to communicate instructions, midact, from the ground to a trapeze artist without the audience hearing. Companies are experimenting with HSS in TVs, rock concerts, museums, war and airport gates. Imagine hearing only your flight's announcements. In 2002, Popular Science magazine awarded HSS the grand prize for inventions. The Segway personal transporter took second.
"It offers huge benefits over your standard speaker systems," says Sony executive Simon Beesley, who is working on HSS in commercial settings, such as stores or restaurants. "The technology is in its infancy, but I am sure it will very quickly expand."
As it does, HSS will probably rattle the speaker industry, which has been selling a variation of the same technology for nearly 80 years. The impact could be like that of the jet engine on propeller planes or the PC on the mainframe — a major shift that ushers in an era.
Another hit for inventor
The ideas behind the technology have been around for decades. But HSS-style speakers had never been more than lab experiments — too costly and unwieldy to become a product. ATC is the first to make it practical, industry experts say.
Actually, ATC's technology pops from the mind of Woody Norris, a throwback to old school tinkerers like Thomas Edison or Ben Franklin. He didn't go to college and instead learned basic electronics while in the Air Force.
Often boastful about his capabilities, he claims to be something of an inventor savant. On his Web site (www.woodynorris.com), he says, "You know how some people can play the piano, they just pick out notes? I've always had that ability with electronics."
Norris, 64, has had some major successes. In the 1960s, he worked out the basic technology behind the sonogram, eventually selling it to a medical company that turned it into the devices used to give expectant mothers a first glimpse of their babies. In the 1980s, Norris created a microphone that picks up a person's voice through the vibrations in the bones in his or her head. He sold that for $1.5 million, and it became the Jabra all-in-one cell phone headsets now on the market. The microphone is actually in the earpiece.
Norris formed ATC in 1980 as a vehicle for marketing his inventions. Around 1995, he began working on HSS. "I had the idea probably 20 years ago," he says.
Norris got it from color television. A color TV screen has only three colors — red, blue and green— but tricks the eye into seeing other colors by mixing those three in the air as the light travels from the set. That led Norris to consider making sounds by mixing other sounds.
He also knew that the waves of ultrasonic sound — a far higher pitch than the ear can detect — can travel farther and stay more focused than waves at lower pitches. So, Norris found a way to make two slightly different ultrasonic waves carry information about a sound, somewhat the way radio waves carry music from an FM station.
When the waves encounter a solid object or person, they slow, distort and crash together. The result is the ultrasonic waves re-create the original sound in the air around the object, so humans can hear it. So, sound from a distant HSS speaker seems like it's right at your ears because it's actually being created right at your ears. If you step out of the beam, the waves have nothing to distort and mix them, so the inaudible ultrasonic waves slide silently past.
The wave-mixing characteristic of HSS has another effect: Aim an HSS speaker at a solid object like a wall, and the two waves mix at the object. In an ATC demo room, CEO Jim Irish plays music on an HSS speaker and aims the speaker at a back wall. The music seems to come from the wall, not the speaker. Point it at a door, and the music seems to come from the door.
Unlimited possibilities
The last key property of HSS is its ability to focus sound. The ultrasonic waves don't dissipate, traveling pretty much straight ahead. So sound from an HSS speaker can travel 150 yards without distortion or loss of volume, while anyone outside the path hears nothing.
Traditional speakers work very differently. They send out audible sound waves that quickly disperse, filling a room with sound and weakening as they go. So the sound fades as you get farther from the speaker.
The properties of HSS are so fundamentally new that Norris predicts "an explosion of invention" around the focusing of sound.
How about an HSS megaphone? A beach lifeguard could warn a swimmer who was too far out. Over the crashing of waves, the swimmer would clearly hear the lifeguard's instructions. Norris mischievously warns that such megaphones would have to be banned from pro sports games. "Someone in the stands could use it to razz one player he didn't like," says Norris, who has used HSS to spook neighborhood kids on Halloween.
More seriously, the Navy is trying HSS on an aircraft carrier, where the noise of jets can otherwise drown out orders coming from ordinary speakers. Police SWAT teams are interested in the technology's ability to make sound seem like it's coming from a far wall or window. They might be able to project sounds that fool suspects into thinking a raid is coming from another direction, then storm in by surprise.
In hospitals, an HSS TV could allow one patient to watch a show without bothering the other patient in the room. In restaurants or clubs, music could be focused at patrons but remain unheard outside the building. Wal-Mart is interested in HSS for store advertising, Sony for everything from TVs to industrial sound systems.
Investors attuned to profits
As HSS wins converts, ATC is trying to turn it into a business. The company spent the past seven years and $44 million developing the technology.
When Irish was hired as CEO earlier this year, he found the company had no sales organization, no ability to mass-produce products, and a long history of not making money on its inventions. It has only 30 employees in a generic office park on San Diego's outskirts. A public company, ATC also has a long list of shareholders who have been losing patience. The stock bounced above $10 a share in 2000 but now lingers around $3.
"I'm bringing business standards to a company that needed some reining in," Irish says. He has cut costs, hired a sales staff, cut a deal with a contract manufacturer in Mexico and rushed the prototype R220A HSS speaker into production while developing more refined models. Each R220A — targeted more for industrial use — costs about $600, and ATC expects prices to drop quickly.
The company is also beginning to market a couple of other sound technologies, including one called High Intensity Directed Acoustic (HIDA), which can generate sound waves so intense that they can instantly incapacitate a human. The military is interested.
At first, ATC plans to sell HSS for niche applications and other uses that don't directly challenge the conventional speaker industry.
"Later, we'll go after mainstream speakers," Norris says. HSS speakers won't challenge conventional speakers for all uses. In many cases — such as a home stereo, rock concert or movie — the point is to fill the room with sound. HSS makes sense only where focusing sound makes sense.
Help for the blind
Nobody is debating whether the technology works — it does. And given the enthusiasm at Sony and other companies, HSS will make its way into products of all kinds.
In the meantime, suggestions pour into ATC daily. "I just got an e-mail from a blind man," Irish says. The e-mail said HSS could improve the chirping sounds used in crossing signals to guide blind people through intersections. The sound could be channeled only along the crosswalk.
"Then you'd know that if you walked out of the sound, you'd walked out of the crosswalk," Irish says, quoting the e-mail.