Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Intervention in Syria, & the Path to WW3

I don't quite know what weapons? WWlll will be fought with but WWlV will be fought with sticks & stones... - said Albert Einstein . Larouche has been warning about this for months, that the true intent of this is? to involve Russia and China into a global thermonuclear war . WWIII will be final... Prevent it?? No, because the American people have no control? of themselves as a people They have been stripped of any right to exist. The clown has enthralled them with sweet words to believe the best is to let people serve the "state" and not let the state serve the Amerikan People . We're going to need the STABILITY of regular people staking their claims in their homes. The Declaration of Sovereignty, the worldwide word-of-mouth TREATY of SELF DECLARED SOVEREIGNS to end tyranny & to declare ourSELVES Sovereigns over our HOMES FOOD and DESTINY! We're not waiting for permission to change our lives.This should be a peaceful and direct action of non-compliance and non-cooperation. It's time for big moves. It's time to be? BOLD.

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The Matrix of Illumination

This is the new Wakan Films' DVD release, "Illumination Matrix by Producer-Director Khashyar Darvich : Shifting into a New Dimension," which features channels Nora Herold and Wendy Kennedy (from the film "Tuning In"). Volumes 2 and 3 of the "Illumination Matrix" DVD series will also be released soon, and include: "Illumination Matrix Vol 2: Moving from Law of Attraction to Law of Creation," and "Illumination Matrix Vol 3: Sex and Sexuality through the Shift." Some would have us believe that the coming New World Order will be characterized by dominance and control by the government. Some would have us believe that the government, religions and corporations will fuse into one large group for world domination and that all of us pawns will be wiped out. We empower this reality by believing in this fiction. In truth, the New World Order will be just the opposite

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Links for 2011-12-27 [del.icio.us]

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War on the Weak: Eugenics in America ?

This certainly isn't something they talk about in U.S.? history courses..First the law "volunteers" your hard earned money to charity, [which defeats the whole? concept of charity] and then they kill the "needy" to lighten your financial strain created by the awkwardly implemented by inane,money grabbing government and social engineers.

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Gerald Celente Top 2012 Predictions

Gerald Celente : "If you do not have your money in your pocket you do not own it , period paragraph " "they don't have the money" " they want your money to gamble with" do not trust the banks anymore warns Gerald Celente we will see bank holidays in this 2012 . They are going to kill USA off completely but first USA has another job to? do attack Pakistan/china . and when USA is bankrupted and exhausted from all wars and gold is being bought by Rothschild banks ,The US is over with. They are several steps ahead of everyone and smiling at the exposing. They have plenty of solutions for the problems they created. ..we truly are in extreme danger with these people at the helm. at this point, frankly, there could be two horns protruding from Ron Paul's forehead and I would not care as long as he ENDS THESE WARS! and hopefully the Federal Reserve too, both? he openly claims he wants to do.

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