Thursday, September 6, 2012

Gerald Celente: MF Global Looted Customers' Accounts Via Internal Bank Run 1/4

Big players got warning ahead of time that financial broker was set to collapse

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Days before the doomed financial broker filed for bankruptcy, MF Global conducted "unexplained wire transfers" that led to a $900 million shortfall in client funds, leading customers like Gerald Celente to learn that their accounts had been looted and setting the precedent for internal bank runs as more big firms go bust.

According to Bloomberg, "Examiners from CME Group Inc., the world's largest futures exchange, found unexplained wire transfers at MF Global Inc. and a $900 million shortfall in client funds during the weekend the failing broker was talking with possible buyers, a person briefed on the matter said."

CME noticed the missing funds on October 30, but MF Global didn't inform the Commodity Futures Trading Commission until the day after, suggesting that the transfers were made, "in a manner that may have been designed to avoid detection," according to CME.

The suspicious cash movements are now being probed by the U.S. Justice Department.

MF Global trustee James Giddens said in a court filing yesterday that customers would get back 60 per cent of their account funds, prompting fury amongst clients, many of whom used their accounts for business collateral and living expenses.

Although individuals were burned by the broker's downfall, larger clients were protected from the fallout because they had the miraculous fortune of withdrawing all their funds just weeks before the collapse.

"Both the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange were charged with overseeing MF Global, their clearing member. If we are to believe them, they had no idea of any difficulties within the firm before customer accounts went missing just a few days before the collapse. But someone clearly knew of the cratering positions and imminent collapse of MF Global, as billions of dollars of accounts were "coincidentally" withdrawn," writes Huffington Post's Daniel Dicker, noting how funds in accounts owned by the billionaire Koch brothers were withdrawn just in time, clearly suggesting that big players got a "heads up" that MF Global was going down.

Although the collapse of MF Global was assured when it came to light that the broker was heavily exposed to the European debt crisis, causing the broker's stock price to plummet, Fox Business reports that numerous circumstances indicate the downfall was in the works weeks before, drawing attention to the fact that employees didn't receive commissions for the third quarter and were fired two weeks before the firm filed for bankruptcy.


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Isaac Newton Secret Bible Prophecy - Doomsday Year 2060

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian who is considered by many scholars and members of the general public to be one of the most influential men in human history. His 1687 publication of the Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (usually called the Principia) is considered to be among the most influential books in the history of science, laying the groundwork for most of classical mechanics. In 1690 Sir Isaac Newton wrote a manuscript on the corruption of the text of the New Testament concerning I John 5:7 and Timothy 3:16. It was entitled, "A Historical Account of Two Notable Corruptions of Scripture." Due to the prevailing environment against criticism, he felt it unwise to profess his beliefs openly and felt that printing it in England would be too dangerous. Newton sent a copy of this manuscript to John Locke requesting him to have it translated into French for publication in France. Two years later, Newton was informed of an attempt to publish a Latin translation of it anonymously. However, Newton did not approve of its availability in Latin and persuaded Locke to take steps to prevent this publication.

Sir Isaac Newton Quotations on God and 2060 : " So then the time times & half a time are 42 months or 1260 days or three years & an half, recconing twelve months to a yeare & 30 days to a month as was done in the Calendar of the primitive year. And the days of short lived Beasts being put for the years of lived [sic for "long lived"] kingdoms, the period of 1260 days, if dated from the complete conquest of the three kings A.C. 800, will end A.C. 2060. It may end later, but I see no reason for its ending sooner. This I mention not to assert when the time of the end shall be, but to put a stop to the rash conjectures of fancifull men who are frequently predicting the time of the end, & by doing so bring the sacred prophesies into discredit as often as their predictions fail. Christ comes as a thief in the night, & it is not for us to know the times & seasons wch God hath put into his own breast.[18] "

" A new heaven & new earth. New Jerusalem comes down from heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband. The marriage supper. God dwells with men wipes away all tears from their eyes, gives them of ye fountain of living water & creates all thin things new saying, It is done. The glory & felicity of the New Jerusalem is represented by a building of Gold & Gemms enlightened by the glory of God & ye Lamb & watered by ye river of Paradise on ye banks of wch grows the tree of life. Into this city the kings of the earth do bring their glory & that of the nations & the saints reign for ever & ever.

" The Supreme God is a Being eternal, infinite, absolutely perfect; but a being, however perfect, without dominion, cannot be said to be Lord God... And from his true dominion it follows that the true God is a living, intelligent, and powerful Being; and, from his other perfections, that he is supreme, or most perfect. He is eternal and infinite, omnipotent and omniscient; that is, his duration reaches from eternity to eternity; his presence from infinity to infinity; he governs all things, and knows all things that are or can be doe.... We know him only by his most wise and excellent contrivances of things, and final causes; we admire him for his perfections; but we reverence and adore him on account of his dominion: for we adore him as his servants; and a god without dominion, providence, and final causes, is nothing else but Fate and Nature.... And thus much concerning God; to discourse of whom from the appearances of things does certainly belong to Natural Philosophy."

"I keep the subject of my inquiry constantly before me, and wait till the first dawning opens gradually, by little and little, into a full and clear light."

"This most beautiful system [The Universe] could only proceed from the dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being."

"About the Time of the End, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the Prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamor and opposition"

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Amanecer rojo real en América pronto! Alex Jones lunes edición 2/3

Alex talks about the latest news, including an accusation of sexual harassment leveled against presidential candidate Herman Cain, the dollar falling against the yen, and other developments with the economy. He also takes your calls.

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Bloodlines of The Illuminati with Author Fritz Springmeier 3/4

Alex talks with the author of Bloodlines of the Illuminati, Fritz Springmeier. In 2003, Springmeier was framed and sentenced to 12 years in prison. He was convicted on the testimony of a bank robber who claimed Springmeier visited his house on the same day the man discussed the robbery with two accomplices.
Who really controls world events from behind-the-scene?

Years of extensive research and investigation have gone into this massively documented work. In this 624 page, large format book, Fritz Springmeier discloses mind-boggling facts and never before revealed truths about the top Illuminati dynasties.

You'll learn of the secretive, Chinese Li family, which operates with impunity in the U.S.A. and around the world.

Along the way you'll find out,

why President John F. Kennedy and actress Grace Kelly were killed

who created the United Nations

who controls the two major U.S. political parties

how the Rothschilds invented and control modern-day Israel

who secretly founded false religions such as the Jehovah's Witnesses,

...and much, much more. A literal encyclopedia of rare, unbelievable information!

Discover the amazing role these bloodlines have played - and are now wielding - in human history, with family names such as:

The Astor Bloodline
The Bundy Bloodline
The Collins Bloodline
The DuPont Bloodline
The Freeman Bloodline
The Kennedy Bloodline
The Li Bloodline
The Onassis Bloodline
The Reynolds Bloodline
The Rockefeller Bloodline
The Rothschild Bloodline
The Russell Bloodline
The Van Duyn Bloodline
Merovingian (European Royal Families)

The Top 13 Families & The Mormon Leadership (Moriah & The Mormon Leadership)

Interconnected families:
Disney - Uno de Los Mayores Engaños de Todos los Tiempos

The Disney Bloodline
The Krupp Bloodline
The McDonald Bloodline


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Israel threatens to demolish ‘illegal’ Bedouin school

20.11.2009, 15:02

For the first time in the century-old history of the Israeli kibbutz, a Bedouin has been accepted as a member of one.

A Palestinian woman and her child walk next to a solar panel in the southern West Bank village of Imneizil on November 16, 2011. (AFP Photo / Menahem Kahana) 14.03, 21:35

Hundreds of Palestinians will be left without electricity should Israel’s order for the demolition of 8 solar panels in the West Bank go ahead, in what many say is an attempt to drive Palestinians out of the Israeli-controlled part of the territory.

Palestinian statehood A Palestinian visitor gestures near a swimming pool of natural water at Ein Fara springs. (AFP Photo / Ahed Izhiman) 20.03, 17:08

Israeli settlers have taken over dozens of natural water springs in the West Bank, limiting or barring Palestinians from access to much-needed fresh water, according to the UN report. Israelis deny that the access has been banned.

A young Jewish settler rides a bicycle in front of the West Bank settlement of Susiya (Reuters / Baz Ratner) 20.08, 14:06

Israel spends money on settlements in the West Bank that it could use for housing for the poor, Talia Sasson said in an interview with RT. The Israeli attorney authored a 2005 report that documented the illegality of Israel’s West Bank settlements.

AFP Photo / Hazem Bader 10.08, 19:01

The Israeli Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the demolition of eight Palestinian villages on the West Bank. The Israeli Defense Ministry says it needs this land for military exercises and will displace some 1,500 Palestinians.

An Israeli soldier prevents a Palestinian farmer (L) from cultivating his field in the West Bank village of Tuqua (AFP Photo / Musa AL-Shaer) 02.08, 00:57

Israeli authorities are set to approve a grant program for building hotels in occupied West Bank territories. This is despite repeated UN warnings that Jewish settlements there are illegal under international law.

Published: 03 September, 2012, 15:22

A Palestinian school girl walks outside her classroom at a Bedouin camp in the Israeli-occupied West Bank near Jericho.(AFP Photo / Abbas Momani) A Palestinian school girl walks outside her classroom at a Bedouin camp in the Israeli-occupied West Bank near Jericho.(AFP Photo / Abbas Momani)

TAGS: Scandal, Politics, Human rights, History, Immigration, Israel, Education

Israel has threatened to demolish a Bedouin encampment in the West Bank that contains a school, claiming that the community was built without appropriate permits and was hindering the development of new Israeli settlements.

­The Khan Al-Ahmar elementary school was built in 2009 with the help of local and international humanitarian groups. The clay-and-tires structure employed 11 teachers, and instructed students belonging to some five neighboring Jahalin Bedouin tribes. Israeli authorities have issued a demolition order, claiming that the encampment containing the school was built illegally.

Demolishing the school would force the children to trek across the desert to Jericho for class, the closest place where education facilities are located. The Israeli military claimed that they will not destroy the school or the encampment until an alternate learning institution for the students is located.

According to UN reports, Tel Aviv has ordered the demolition of around 3,000 structures, including homes, cisterns, solar-power generators and 18 schools, including the Khan al-Ahmar Mixed Elementary School. Only 360 such demolitions have been carried out so far.  

Israeli authorities believe that moving the indigenous population to planned communities will lift them out of poverty. Bedouin communities argue that their culture and its centuries-old traditions are being jeopardized by Jewish expansion.

The children of the Jahalin tribe previously attended school in Jericho, about 20 kilometers away, but school bus service was often unreliable. Locals now say that they may have no other choice: "We'll go to school until it's demolished," the Washington Post cited 10-year-old Islam Hussein as saying,

Khan al-Ahmar is one of 20 Bedouin communities that are scheduled for relocation. Bedouin families have lived there since 1951, when refugees fled the Negev region during Israel’s war for independence. The West Bank is currently home to 300,000 Israeli settlers,

In September 2011, the Israeli government approved the ‘Prawer Plan,’ which called for the mass expulsion of the Arab Bedouin community in the Naqab desert. At the beginning of 2012, Tel Aviv announced a plan to establish ten new settlements along the disputed Green Line.

More than 70,000 Bedouins in 35 villages live in territory clamed by Israel. The settlements are considered to be ‘unrecognized’ by the Israelis, and the inhabitants are often referred to as ‘trespassers on state land.’

Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayyad talks to school children during a visit to a school at a Bedouin camp in the Israeli-occupied West Bank near Jericho.(AFP Photo / Abbas Momani)
Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayyad talks to school children during a visit to a school at a Bedouin camp in the Israeli-occupied West Bank near Jericho.(AFP Photo / Abbas Momani)


Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayyad talks to school children during a visit to a school at a Bedouin camp in the Israeli-occupied West Bank near Jericho.(AFP Photo / Abbas Momani)
Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayyad talks to school children during a visit to a school at a Bedouin camp in the Israeli-occupied West Bank near Jericho.(AFP Photo / Abbas Momani) AFP Photo / NASA Today: 15:00

The crew of the International Space Station was forced to ration electricity after three solar panels malfunctioned last week. The astronauts were forced to deactivate some scientific equipment, and are preparing for a spacewalk to make repairs.

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Why All The Bees Dying? with Owner Konrad Bouffard 1/2

From field to hive to table, Round Rock Honey is never anything more or less than nature intended it to be. That which the bees give us, we give you. When we say 100% honey, we mean it!!

Round Rock honey is not a varietal honey, but instead a true wildflower honey. Producing wildflower honey is difficult, and yields unpredictable, but in the opinion of Round Rock Honey owners Konrad and Elizabeth Bouffard, it is more important to focus on quality than on quantity!

The emphasis on quality at Round Rock Honey extends to the harvest and packaging as well. Honey is "robbed" on a regular basis (season & weather permitting), and promptly bottled. Although all our honey is poured through a stainless steel sieve to remove bee legs and wings as well as wax caps, it is never heated or filtered. We remove honey from the hives by centrifuge, at room temperature. This is done so that the pollens, trace minerals, and complex sugars that occur naturally in our honey are never compromised.

Unlike the big honey conglomerates, we don't use diatomaceous earth to make the honey clear, or add heat to extend shelf life.

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