Saturday, January 7, 2012

Louisiana State Officials Call For Troops On Streets (RED ALERT!)

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TMZ FAKE Story on Jesse Ventura Goes too Far!!

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Louisiana State Officials Call For Troops On Streets!!

Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Dec 21, 2011

National Guard engaged in door-to-door gun confiscation during Hurricane Katrina

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Lawmakers in Louisiana are calling for National Guard troops to patrol the streets of New Orleans after a toddler was killed in a drive-by shooting. The last time troops were involved in domestic law enforcement in the state, they were used to confiscate legally owned firearms in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Keira Holmes Gordon was caught in the crossfire of two separate groups of men in cars who were targeting another man stood near a B. W. Cooper Housing development on Sunday. The toddler, four days shy of her second birthday, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Citing soaring crime levels, state lawmaker Austin Badon Jr. told CNN he "wants the government to step and help control the violence," by sending troops to patrol troubled areas, although he admitted that just "a select few people" were responsible for the crimes.

The CNN host makes clear that Badon is just one of several officials calling for National Guard troops.

"I have called on the Governor to bring in the National Guard," said Badon, asserting that residents were "more comfortable" after seeing the Guard patrol the streets in 2005 during Hurricane Katrina.

"We are at war and when you're at war, you have to bring in soldiers," said Badon, describing the situation as "urban warfare," and complaining about people who own guns.

A spokesman for Governor Bobby Jindal's office said no request had been made from the mayor to send National Guard troops to patrol the streets.


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NY Times, MSM Attacks Ron Paul & Alex Jones For Living in the Real World (Part 1 of 3)

Click on Show more for Parts 2 & 3 plus info

Mirrored from TheAlexJonesChannel on Dec 30, 2011

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exO9lBh9ghQ
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukoUg7mFZFk

Gingrich-linked smear specialist Kirchick labels Paul "paranoid conspiracy theorist" for discussing manifestly provable issues

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Gingrich-linked smear specialist James Kirchick is presumably nonplussed that his attempt to regurgitate the 15-year-old debunked non-story of Ron Paul's 'racist' newsletters has had absolutely no effect on the polls, but he is forging ahead anyway with further attacks, this time in the form of a New York Times editorial that labels Paul a "paranoid conspiracy theorist" for discussing manifestly provable issues.

As we previously documented in our response to Kirchick's regurgitation of a story he originally pushed four years ago, the New Republic writer is an apologist for Newt Gingrich and other neo-cons of his ilk.

Kirchick is a proud neo-con who serves as a fellow with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies in Washington, an influential neo-conservative collective funded by numerous noted billionaires. The group's list of "distinguished advisors" includes former CIA and FBI heads. The group is virtually a lobbying front for the state of Israel, which explains perfectly why Kirchick is so upset with Paul, who has promised to put a stop to the billions in foreign aid the United States sends to Israel every year.

Sitting on the group's Leadership Council is none other than Newt Gingrich, one of Ron Paul's main rivals in the Republican primary. Given that association, it's unsurprising that Kirchick has chosen to dredge up a series of debunked smears at this key time in the election cycle, with Gingrich's campaign now imploding and Ron Paul's popularity surging.

Kirchick's latest New York Times hit piece moves on from the ineffectual "racist" smear (Ron Paul's new campaign ad documents how Paul "came to the rescue" of a black man who faced prejudice for having a baby with a white woman back in the 1970's), and instead switches to smearing Paul as a "conspiracy theorist" who advocates using violence against the government with no proof whatsoever.

Kirchick's three major issues he cites to claim Paul is living in a fantasy world are all documented facts which only the most naive or agenda-driven observer could dismiss as "conspiracy theories".

Linking to an Infowars.com article concerning Paul's recent appearance on the Alex Jones Show, Kirchick highlights Paul's assertion "that the Iranian plot to kill the Saudi ambassador on United States soil was a "propaganda stunt" perpetrated by the Obama administration."

Far from being a deluded conspiracy theory voiced by Paul alone, this assertion was first made by retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Shaffer, whose source for making the claim was an FBI insider.

Indeed, far from being an out-there conspiracy theory, the New York Times itself entertained the notion that the incident was potentially a propaganda stunt, reporting how the dubious nature of the plot caused "a wave of puzzlement and skepticism from some foreign leaders and outside experts."

Kirchick's next example of how Ron Paul dabbles in 'paranoid conspiracy theories' is his assertion that individuals who become members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission "usually end up in positions of power".

Far from being a "conspiracy theory," this is again a manifestly provable fact.



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Calls from Police on FEMA's COG Takeover Plan for Americans

Stolen from TheAlexJonesChannel on Dec 23, 2011

Now, we find FEMA soliciting personnel to run a military-COG program that designates Americans as an enemy population. It is a perfect storm, timed with the Bill of Rights-destroying 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that puts on paper the indefinite detention of Americans without trial.

Yet the smoking gun document is a public bid for contracting companies. It's designation at FBO.gov is as a "Pre-Solicitation Notice for Program and Mission Support Services."

Why don't they want you to know? What HAS been exposed publicly points directly to overt takeovers of the constitutional government via martial law, the use of troops on the street (in violation of Posse Comitatus) and a definitive takeover of all communications, including the establishment of secure emergency communications lines for the the Continuity of Government controllers. More to the point, it validates the worst of fears-- that rhetoric issued from political leaders in America demonizing its people as potential terrorists relates to real plans, albeit obscured from popular public knowledge, to target and indefinitely detain dissidents and other ordinary citizens any during declared emergencies, or for any pretext of national security.

That's right. The stuff out of cautionary tales like Seven Days in May, reviewed here by Alex Jones, and translated onto screen in 1964, has come true. Whether for a worthwhile pretext or not, plans have been put into place to transfer power outside of elected government. In its place is a constitution-circumventing framework to share power between the special interests who have bought/run the executive branch and legislative branch, including the National Security shadow powers given precedent there, including military and CIA capabilities.




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(2 of 2) Nwo Clamping Down on People World Wide Gerald Celente Reports

Click on Show more for links & info

Mirrored from TheAlexJonesChannel on Dec 30, 2011

On this info-packed Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with trends researcher and author Gerald Celente about the ongoing MF Global fiasco and the economy.

Trends Research



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