Friday, June 10, 2011

High Quality Bilderberg 2011 Video & Photos, St. Moritz

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
For the latest coverage, please follow Alex’s Twitter: @RealAlexJones
Our Bilderberg coverage:

Bilderberg 2011: Photographs Of Delegates Arriving At Airport
Revolution Against Bilderberg Gains Momentum

Swiss Newspapers Cover Bilderberg
Bilderberg Behind Rick Perry 2012 Run

Bilderberg 2011: Full Official Attendee List

NATO Chief Rasmussen to Discuss Expanding Libya War at Bilderberg Summit

Bilderberger Rushed to Hospital?
Swiss Security Rip Down anti-Bilderberg Banner, Steal Camera
Jim Tucker: Libya War and Wider Middle East Conflict On Bilderberg Agenda
Bomb Scare Shuts Down Road to Bilderberg Meeting
Video: Richard Perle, Bill Gates, Other Delegates Spotted At Bilderberg
Bilderbergers Build Wall to Hide Attendees
Europe Marches on Bilderberg Tyrants
Plutocratic Puppeteers Meet In Switzerland For Annual Bilderberg Conference
BBC’s Disinfo Piece: “Bilderberg mystery: Why do people believe in cabals?”
Elite Bilderberg 2011 Meeting Draws Scrutiny
Europeans to Converge on Switzerland for Bilderberg Protest
Breaking: Secret Bilderberg Agenda Leaked by Mole
Intimidating the Media: Bilderberg Security Seize Infowars Reporter’s Passport
Bilderbergers May Give Green Light to Mexican Central Banker as New IMF Boss
Exclusive Reportage Live from Switzerland on the Bilderbergers
Bilderberg to Decide IMF Head
Major Swiss Newspaper Gives Bilderberg Front Page Coverage
Top Bilderberger: Eurozone Collapse Threatens Global Currency Agenda
The Alex Jones Show: Bilderberg Conference of Global Power Brokers set to Meet

All videos and images may be used provided credit is given to Alex Jones and Infowars.com.

Bilderberg Hotel

China ratings house says US defaulting

A Chinese ratings house has accused the United States of defaulting on its massive debt, state media said Friday, a day after Beijing urged Washington to put its fiscal house in order.
"In our opinion, the United States has already been defaulting," Guan Jianzhong, president of Dagong Global Credit Rating Co. Ltd., the only Chinese agency that gives sovereign ratings, was quoted by the Global Times saying.
Washington had already defaulted on its loans by allowing the dollar to weaken against other currencies -- eroding the wealth of creditors including China, Guan said.
Guan did not immediately respond to AFP requests for comment.
The US government will run out of room to spend more on August 2 unless Congress bumps up the borrowing limit beyond $14.29 trillion -- but Republicans are refusing to support such a move until a deficit cutting deal is reached.
Ratings agency Fitch on Wednesday joined Moody's and Standard & Poor's to warn the United States could lose its first-class credit rating if it fails to raise its debt ceiling to avoid defaulting on loans.
A downgrade could sharply raise US borrowing costs, worsening the country's already dire fiscal position, and send shock waves through the financial world, which has long considered US debt a benchmark among safe-haven investments.
China is by far the top holder of US debt and has in the past raised worries that the massive US stimulus effort launched to revive the economy would lead to mushrooming debt that erodes the value of the dollar and its Treasury holdings.
Beijing cut its holdings of US Treasury securities for the fifth month in a row to $1.145 trillion in March, down $9.2 billion from February and 2.6 percent less than October's peak of $1.175 trillion, US data showed last month.
Foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei on Thursday urged the United States to adopt "effective measures to improve its fiscal situation".
Dagong has made a name for itself by hitting out at its three Western rivals, saying they caused the financial crisis by failing to properly disclose risk.
The Chinese agency, which is trying to build an international profile, has given the United States and several other nations lower marks than they received from the the big three.

Kitco Charged With Massive Tax Fraud Scheme, Business Viability In Question

Zero Hedge
June 10, 2011
Life for the precious metals dealer, and home of the often times infamous Jon Nadler, Kitco just got very ugly. “Claiming widespread tax fraud in the gold refining and trading sector, Revenue Quebec and police investigators this week conducted searches and seizures at 70 locations, mostly in the Montreal area. One of the targeted sites was the downtown Montreal location of Kitco, a major buyer and seller of gold. A note on the floor of its office on Thursday said that “operational constraints” had forced the service counter to close this week.” It is unclear if this alleged tax fraud bust means Kitco could be out of business shortly, although based on the following statement it is somewhat difficult to have an optimistic outlook on the future employment prospects of said Mr. Nadler: “The company said it has asked Superior Court of Québec to appoint an interim receiver so that it may continue normal operations under the supervision of the accounting firm RSM Richter. The action was taken “to allow for the time required to vigorously contest Revenu Québec’s unfounded claims.” At the heart of the allegation: “In a communique, Revenue Quebec said that by converting pure gold into a gold object and then refining it back into a pure state, some in the gold industry had used “artificial transactions” to obtain refunds of taxes that were never actually paid.” Apparently Kitco was one of them. Oh well, we will miss the pretty charts.
From Financial Post:
No arrests were announced, but the tax department said Thursday it had reason to believe several people were involved in producing false invoices for a number of companies.
The company strongly denied any allegations in a statement Friday.
“Kitco Metals Inc. has never participated in any tax fraud, nor has it ever carried out any fictitious transactions. In all respects, Kitco vigorously contests all aspects of Revenu Québec’s investigation,” it said.
Revenue Quebec said two networks of companies and individuals were at the heart of a false-billing scheme that had cost the province more than $150 million in tax on almost $2 billion in transactions.
In addition to Kitco and Carmen International Inc., it said almost 125 other companies had been complicit in the scheme.
Instead of trafficking in invoiceless gold, perhaps Kitco should have just pulled a Goldman, opened a prop desk, and bought the stuff. Hopefully they learn from this mistake.

Bilderberg 2011: Photographs Of Delegates Arriving At Airport

Bilderberg 2011: Photographs Of Delegates Arriving At Airport

Alexander Benesch
June 10, 2011
Editor’s note: Infokrieg is a German website, thus some of the automatic translations here are loose.
Bilderberg 2011: Photographs Of Delegates Arriving At Airport
Various reporter documenting the events surrounding the ongoing global mega-conference, many thanks to all photographers!
Click on the image for a high magnification
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Reporters at the airport shooting pictures of the eagerly landing aircraft and radioed to other reporters at the Bilderberg Hotel through when arriving in limousines as the there would be. One of the jets was received loud WeAreChange Birmingham by an ambulance.
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Helicopter brought conference participants also approached
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No sooner landed, been photographed.
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A clear message to the globalists with legal because easily washable spray can, filmed by Luke Rudkin (WeAreChange). Elsewhere than in Switzerland or a few other countries, one would need for a rule fear extreme consequences.
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A group of reporters in their assigned “security zone” just a few meters away from the Austragunsort:
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Some decided to go with the masked number plates themselves. Was allowed to ignore speed limits all inclusive?
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Continuing problems for the reporters and ambiguous, frequently changing statements of officials:
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If the police understand who they really guard at the conference, many would lowering the jaw:
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Photos of the conference participants in the limousine was complicated by privacy glass, rain, reflections and the diffuse light. Only a short time since the Bilderbergers even publish lists of participants, the completeness is much to doubt, however. Some participants, the time will be invited first to give insight into the political movements of the next 12 months. Who recognizes prominent globalists, who may write to us alexbenesch@infokrieg.tv
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We reporters sift many gigabytes of photos and sort out those that are identifiable faces are visible. It is similar to trawl fishing, about 80 percent of the images are discarded.
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Where is the needle used to have traveled in horse-drawn carriages, there are now armored limousines
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A conference participant apparently maintains the same passage for his final. He who laughs last …
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Is this the typical mischievous schoolboy smile from Bill Gates, the icy eugenicists?
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David Rockefeller, apparently in no health risk. Speculation about a relationship with an ambulance at the airport appear only once off the table
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