Friday, November 4, 2011

Occupy Oakland strike vs tear gas, flashbangs, rubber bullets

Occupy Oakland protesters gather at the Port of Oakland to shut down the facility as they call for a citywide general strike on November 2, 2011 in California (AFP Photo / Kimihiro HOSHINO) 03.11, 11:35

In the US, all eyes are now on Oakland, where anti-corporate protests see their first casualty after a young man was hit by a car. Thousands took to the streets in the Californian city and shut down operations in one of America's major sea ports.

Occupy Wall Street A demonstrator with the Occupy movement holds a sign November 2, 2011 in Oakland, California (Eric Thayer / Getty Images / AFP) 02.11, 20:18

A 10,000-strong rally has blocked the entrances to the Port of Oakland, which has had to shut down its operations for the day. The port will lose roughly $8 million per day if the "blockade" continues.

Occupy Wall Street Pat Buchanan. (AFP Photo Scott Nelson) 31.10, 20:18

Protesters will go more violent! This is how conservative commentator Pat Buchanan sees the future of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Occupy Wall Street 07.04.2010, 08:45

America is facing a crisis of democracy because of the rising deficit gridlock in Washington and a possible war with Iran, political commentator and author Pat Buchanan told RT.

Afghanistan: An US Army 10th Mountain Division soldier uses his boots for a head rest. (AFP Photo / Joe Raedle) 06.12.2009, 03:52

US President Barack Obama will face a tough political crisis in mid-2011 when troops from Afghanistan will begin coming home, political commentator Pat Buchanan told RT.


Published: 03 November, 2011, 12:33
Edited: 03 November, 2011, 18:17

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TAGS: Protest, Politics, USA, Matt Trezza, Lucy Kafanov

New clashes have erupted in Oakland, California, between anti-corporate protesters and police, who have entered their camp. Up to 100 people have already been arrested, and the standoff at the camp continues.

According to unconfirmed reports, many police officers are not wearing badges and have tape covering their names.

Police officers are using tear gas and bullets which, basically, consist of heavy pellets of cloth, RT’s Lucy Kafanov reports from the site. She also added that the camp has been completely surrounded by police, whose numbers by far exceed those of the protestors – by approximately 200-300 to 100-150. Many police officers are wearing gas masks.

Occupy Oakland clashes
Occupy Oakland clashes

“People are attending to a man grimacing in pain on the grass. He was hit in the leg with a police projectile, I'm told,” eyewitness Gavin Aronsen tweeted in his microblog.

"The area of 15th and Broadway has been declared an illegal gathering, and chemical agent warnings given," another witness writes, while others report a US flag has been set on fire at 14th & Broadway.

According to the latest reports, the protesters’ camp, known as the “Occupation Plaza”, is police-free right now, while the crowd in the area is getting increasingly agitated, with people chanting "We are Oakland!"

RT photo
RT photo

­Last night, thousands of protesters took to the streets of the city and shut down operations in one of America's major sea ports. They marched from downtown Oakland to the port area and blocked all the gates, sending a powerful message to the so-called 1 per cent – the corporate owners of the port – in an attempt to hurt the elite where it hurts them most: in the pocket. The events followed last week's violent police dispersal of a demonstrators' camp, which resulted in a former US marine being severely injured.

Follow RT's LIVE updates for more details.

British riot policemen stand in front of a burning building in Croydon, South London on August 8, 2011 (AFP Photo / LEON NEAL) 03.11, 12:32

The UK is desperately searching for a cure to the spread of gang culture after the summer riots. But a proposed strategy of monitoring social networks and spying on teens may see potential troublemakers totally isolated – with uncertain consequences.

Libyans inspect the damage at a factory targeted by NATO air strikes in Bir Ghanam on August 6, 2011 (AFP Photo / COLIN SUMMERS) 03.11, 13:04

The prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (ICC) says his office will investigate alleged crimes committed by NATO during the civil war and intervention in Libya along with those of the Gaddafi regime and the rebels.

Libyan conflict

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