Sunday, January 1, 2012

NYPD officers have fun with racist Facebook group

Michael Bloomberg (Spencer Platt / Getty Images / AFP) 30.11, 23:02

Call it martial law or call it a police state. Either one you chose isn’t too far off and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg knows it. At a speaking engagement Tuesday night, Bloomberg referred to the NYPD as his own army.

Los Angeles: Police officers keep watch of anti-Wall Street demonstrators as Occupy LA protesters take to the streets around City Hall in downtown Los Angeles, California early on November 28, 2011. (AFP Photo / Adrian Sanchez-Gonzalez) 07.12, 03:02

The military-grade pepper-spray that’s been all the rage with law enforcement agencies is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to an advanced arsenal of weaponry made available to police departments across the country.

AIDS protesters sit down in the street after marching up Broadway from Zuccotti Park on World AIDS Day on December 1, 2011 in New York City. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images/AFP) 06.12, 02:09

Businesses that operate in the Big Apple are expected to pay a percent of their income on taxes that go to funding public projects in New York City. For the one percent, however, those pennies on the dollar are apparently too hard to part with.

Occupy Wall Street Jennifer Fox after she suffered attack by Seattle Police. Photo: JOSHUA TRUJILLO / SEATTLEPI.COM 22.11, 21:16

A protester in Seattle, Washington aligned with Occupy Wall Street says that an assault from a cop last week has caused a miscarriage, which if true marks the first loss of life from police brutality since the demonstrations began two months ago.

Occupy Wall Street Jose Pimentel 21.11, 21:59

During a press conference in New York this weekend, officials alleged that a Manhattan man has been plotting a series of terrorist attacks across the city using homemade bombs. The FBI, on the other hand, wants nothing to do with it.

Occupy Wall Street United States, New York: An Occupy Wall Street protester is arrested after marching through downtown Manhattan, after New York City police removed the activists from Zuccotti Park. (AFP Photo / Allison Joyce) 18.11, 21:24

Arrests in the Occupy movement nationally have surpassed 1,000, with 177 being charged by the NYPD this Thursday in only the first few hours.

Occupy Wall Street

Published: 09 December, 2011, 02:27

NYPD officers have fun with racist Facebook group NYPD officers have fun with racist Facebook group

TAGS: Crime, Scandal, Law, Corruption, USA

If you’re not too keen on the New York Police Department, don’t worry — the feeling is mutual.

Officers within the NYPD allegedly typed racist and revealing comments on a public Facebook page seemingly undetected until a New York attorney uncovered them.

Benjamin Moore was one of two attorneys from Brooklyn Defender Services representing a food-service worked named Tyrone Johnson in a gun possession trial that made it to the State Supreme Court last month. Curious about the arresting officer that first brought allegations against his client, Moore logged onto Facebook to see if the cop had a personal page. Digging through his profile, Moore quickly uncovered more than he ever thought imaginable.

Sgt. Dustin Edwards was one of around 150 Facebook users who belonged to a public group called “No More West Indian Day Detail.” On the page, NYPD officers voiced their hatred for having to patrol the annual event and its subsequent parade that has been marred with violence before.

To some of the officers, those acts of violence are just second nature to those West Indian “animals.”

“I say have the parade one more year and when they all gather drop a bomb and wipe them all out,” writes one commenter, Dan Rodney. The New York Times first broke the story and reached out to Rodney, who confirmed that he was a police officer and a user of Facebook but denied that he made that comment.

“I leave my phone around sometimes. Other than that I have no comment” said Officer Rodney.

Many of the users that posted messages in the group had names that matched those of NYPD officers, and are now being challenged over whether or not they made the comments. One such match was responsible for a post that reads, “Let them kill each other.” Another, claiming to be Officer Nick Virgilio, called the parade goers “filth” and defended himself by saying, “it’s not racist if it’s true.”

“I found it astounding,” Moore tells the New York Times. He made a digital copy of the archives and printed out the contents of the group, which accumulated to 70 pages. Days later, the group had vanished.

Sgt. Edwards admitted to joining the group but said it was only because he knew a lot of other officers in the force that were members. To Johnson’s attorneys, however, this connection could be enough to challenge the NYPD’s claims that their client had a gun. Johnson is black and lived in the parade area. He was arrested for allegedly unlawfully possessing a gun on the route of the parade hours before the celebration began in 2010. Although he denies knowledge of posts along the lines of “ethnic cleansing” in the neighborhood and having the parade “moved to the zoo,” Moore and his associate hope that this development will get charges dropped against their client, and could also cause some new ones against the officers themselves — NYPD cops are barred from “discourteous or disrespectful remarks” about race or ethnicity.

TSA Today: 00:11

The next time you board a flight in the US, be prepared to hand over your luggage to government-hired rapists. Under the FBI’s updated definition of rape, agents with the TSA are as good as guilty of the crime.

US military puts solderis' remains in a garbage dump Today: 02:32

If you’re looking to visit the sacred grounds where the remains of a love one lost at war is entombed, be sure to bring a hazmat suit. The military has been dumping the ashes of cremated soldiers in a suburban Virginia landfill.

View the original article here

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